Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#151 arango kate Invalid zero depth trouble

With the wet-dry option, it is more likely that someone will attempt to run with a depth of zero somewhere in the grid. The model doesn't put up with that, even if it is inside the land mask. I'm attaching one option for a patch.

#152 arango kate Fixed Wet/dry masks not initialized

On the very first time through step2d, all the mask_wet arrays are still zero from the initialization to IniVal. This results in all of the ubar velocities ending up in the ELSE on line 2377 and getting set to zero (since they are multiplied by the zero umask_wet). The masks could be set in ini_fields before zeta gets modified.

#156 arango kate Fixed time_code overflow

Looking at what happens in time_string, the first thing is INT(time) returning 0x80000000 or MIN_INT, being some huge negative number. My time is the number of seconds since the time origin of 1900, with years ranging from the 1950's to the present. The upshot is that all my time_codes end up being t = * ::

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