Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (613 - 615 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#573 arango arango Fixed Allocation of quadratic tracer indices

The indices for time-averaged quadratic tracers need to be allocate of size MT instead of NAT in mod_ncparam.F

      allocate ( iHUTav(MT) )
      allocate ( iHVTav(MT) )
      allocate ( idTTav(MT) )
      allocate ( idUTav(MT) )
      allocate ( idVTav(MT) )

Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for reporting this bug.

#574 arango arango Done Modified grep syntax in build scripts

Changed the grep syntax in all build script which evaluates a Perl regular expression. This syntax is different in various operating system and we may get errors.

In we now have:

      if (`echo $1 | grep '^[0-9]\+$'` != "" ) then

instead of

      if (`echo $1 | grep -P '^\d+$'` != "" ) then

In build.bash we now have:

       test=`echo $1 | grep '^[0-9]\+$'`

instead of

       test=`echo $1 | grep -P '^\d+$'`

Notice that both the plot and test repositories are also updated.

#575 arango arango Done Added Hessian Drivers

Added new drivers to compute singular vectors and stochastic optimals:

  • hessian_op_ocean.h: Hessian singular vectors driver. Use HESSIAN_SV to activate.
  • hessian_so_ocean.h: Hessian stochastic optimals driver. Use STOCHASTIC_OPT and HESSIAN_SO to activate.
  • so_ocean.h: Full stochastic optimals driver. Use STOCHASTIC_OPT to activate.

The associated propagators are:

  • propagator_hop.h: Hessian singular vectors propagator.
  • propagator_hso.h: Hessian stochastic optimals propagator
  • propagator_so.h: Full stochastic optimals propagator.

The Hessian algorithms require the Lanczos vectors generated by any of the 4D-Var algorithms, which is stored in the adjoint output file. That is, we need to run any of the 4D-Var algorithms first. All these algorithms will be described in a publication in the near future. They are complex and requires a lot of expertise.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for helping us to design and code these algorithms. They are released now because of substantial changes and corrections to the GST drivers. Currently, we are testing these algorithms and tracking couple of parallel issues with the Hessian Stochastic Optimals algorithm.

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