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Results (571 - 573 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#528 arango arango Done Updated ROMS plotting pakage

I made couple of changes to Utility/opencdf.F to fix the problem of reporting the correct date if not using modified Julian day number. The logic was failing when have the time attribute in the Gregorian Calendar other than:

       units = seconds since 1968-05-23 00:00:00
       units = days since 1968-05-23 00:00:00

I also changed Utility/mskscl.F to have instead:

+      IF ((                                              &
           ((mskinp1.and.(ncid.eq.ncgrd)).or.                            &
      &     (mskinp2.and.(ncid.eq.ncid2)))) THEN

The logical flag lmask is internal to cntwkspa common block and has not been initialized yet. It is only used when drawing. We need to use lmsk instead to read the appropriate land/sea mask array for processing current field. Once that this was corrected, I was able to draw the ROMS grid mesh in masking applications.

#529 arango arango Fixed Corrected a bug on convolve.F

Removed the initialization of the flag LwrtTime around line 460 of convolve.F:

        IF (Nrec(ng).gt.3) THEN
          DO irec=1,Nrec(ng)-1
          END DO
        END IF

This forced ad_wrt_his.F to over-write the ocean_time in the NetCDF file with the incorrect values. All values are the same for all records since ForceTime(ng) is always the same ad the initialization time (last one processed). This also affected the impulse time management in TLF NetCDF file in weak constraint applications for 4D-PSAS and R4D-Var.

The LwrtTime switch needs to be FALSE when convolving all the record in the adjoint history file.

Many thanks to Andy Moore and Emilie Neveu for bringing this to my attention.

#530 arango arango Done Various updates to ROMS plotting package

The ROMS plotting package was updated to include:

  • Better management of variables with time records. Specially, when the units attribute is, for example, of the form:
          ocean_time:units = "seconds since 1900-01-01 00:00:00"
          ocean_time:units = "days since 1968-05-23 12:00:00"
  • Added new integer function datenum to calculate the number of days since 01-Jan-0000. This is similar to the Matlab intrinsic function datenum:
          mydate=datenum(day, month, year)
  • Added new subroutine datevec to compute the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second associated with a double precision date number. This is the reverse to datenum and similar to the Matlab intrinsic function datevec:
          CALL datevec (datenum, year, month, iday, hour, minute, second)
  • Added new subroutine dateref to decode the time units attribute discussed above:
          CALL dateref (time_att, time_red, julday)
  • Added new integer function yearday to compute the day of the year number:
          yday=yearday(year, month, day)
  • The internal time variables in the plotting package (time1 and time2) are now double precision to allow the processing of very large numbers in the input time data.
  • Updated the makefile so we can use new build scripts Bin/ or Bin/build_plt.bash. As in ROMS build scrits, the plotting package can be compiled from anywhere and the compilation files are now stored in the specified Build_plt scratch directory.
  • All the configuration files were updated to facilitate the compilation with the NetCDF-4 nc-config script. By the way, the plotting package can plot ROMS NetCDF files from an OpenDAP sever. The users need to compile the ROMS plotting package with the NetCDF-4/HDF-5 serial libraries. Note that the plotting package is not supported for parallel computations. Currently, everything is executed in a single CPU (serial run).
  • The ncgm2gif script is renamed to
  • Added new script to convert NCAR's NCGM file (single or multi frame) to vanila CGM (*.cgm) file(s):
 gmeta ssh
  • Added new script to convert NCAR's NCGM file (single or multi frame) to PNG (*.png) file(s):
 -fmt vec -res 300dpi gmeta
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