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Results (526 - 528 of 969)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#475 arango arango Done Changed gasdev.F which is used to generate randim numbers

Updated couple of routines associated with the floats:

  • Changed routine gasdev.F which is used to compute normally-distributed random number sequences. This routine has several F90 constructs that maybe problematic in old compilers. This is obviously a compiler bug. If so, we get usually error in the following expression:
              CALL array_copy (PACK(v1(ng:n), mask(ng:n)), v1(ng:), nn, m)
    Some compilers either fail to recognize the vector array out of the intrinsic PACK function or its numerical representation even if the routine array_copy is inside of an interface. To avoid this problem, the above statement is replaced by:
              v3(1:mc)=PACK(v1(ng:n), mask(ng:n))
              CALL array_copy (v3(1:mc), v1(ng:), nn, m)
    Many thanks to first Julio Sheinbaum for reporting this one during the ROMS 4D-Var workshop and recently to Diego Narvaez when trying the floats.
  • Corrected an out-of-range computation in grid_coords.F when computing the initial depths for out-of-bounds initial float locations. The following conditional is added:
          IF (MyThread(l).and.                                          &
     &        ((DRIFTER(ng)%Tinfo(ixgrd,l).ge.0.5_r8).and.              &
     &         (DRIFTER(ng)%Tinfo(iygrd,l).ge.0.5_r8).and.              &
     &         (DRIFTER(ng)%Tinfo(ixgrd,l).le.                          &
     &          REAL(Lm(ng),r8)+0.5_r8).and.                            &
     &         (DRIFTER(ng)%Tinfo(iygrd,l).le.                          &
     &          REAL(Mm(ng),r8)+0.5_r8))) THEN
#476 arango jcwarner Fixed point source values replaced by FillValue

Another reason why the FillValues give me a headache: Most users place point sources at locations where the u- or v-mask is zero (i.e. land). During the simulation the model will actually compute a source value at that 'land' location and those transports are used in the simulation. However, when writing history or other output files, the u- or v-values at the ppoint source locations will be replaced with FillValues.

This does not allow the user to check if the correct transport is being introduced into the model. Please negate the FillValue at locations of the point sources. Suggested fix: make up a temporary u/vmask that does not mask the point sources in wrt_his.F send that temporary mask to nf_fwite3d instead of GRID(ng)%umask.

#480 arango arango Done Refect (stick) floats that hit the surface (bottom)

A new C-preprocessing option FLOAT_STICKY was added to reflect floats that hit the surface and stick floats that hit the bottom. This is needed to avoid overshoots and spurious unmixing near the boundary when vertical random walk (FLOAT_VWALK) is activated.

Alternate options may be needed in the floats with biological behavior.

Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for contributing this option.

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