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Results (514 - 516 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#464 arango jcwarner Fixed LAKE_SIGNELL update

Please update the LAKE_SIGNELL test case to include an additional cpp option that will allow the BBL to compute the bottom orbital velocity:

  • Edit ROMS/Include/lake_signell.h and add the option #define SSW_CALC_UB within the ifdef SSW_BBL block (line 51). Leave the other options there, just add that new one.
  • In ssw_bbl.h, there are 2 occurrences of UB_swan, instead of Ub_swan (lower case b). Please modify ssw_bbl.h to have all occurrences of Ub_swan to have a lower case b.
#465 arango arango Fixed Corrected a bug in load_ts_metoffice.m

Corrected a bug in matlab/4dvar/load_ts_metoffice.m. The time variable needed to include the epoch offset. Also, the time extraction conditional was incorrect.

Many thanks to Ke Chen for bringing this to my attention.

#466 arango arango Fixed IMPORTANT: horizontal viscosity and MIX_GEO_UV

Checking the horizontal viscosity along geopotentials (MIX_GEO_UV) has been in my to-do list for very long time. We have some complains about this in the past about the model blowing-up in parallel applications and arrays out-of-range in couple of DO-loops. I checked this problem and I was able to reproduce the reported problems.

I corrected the parallel bugs for uv3dmix2_geo.h and uv3dmix4_geo.h. Also corrected a missing dt factor in the biharmonic mixing.

I did an analysis for each do loop and reworked all the DO-loop ranges and eliminated specifying them with local CPP directives. I wrote then in such a way that eliminated special treatment in nesting applications.

I also revised and tested the tangent linear, representer, and adjoint version of these routines. I also added the new code for time-evolving, 3D viscosity coefficients. However, this time evolving capability is not yet available in adjoint-based applications. It is coded for completeness and availability in the future.

Many thanks to Xinyou Lin for bringing this to my attention.

Although the MIX_GEO_UV option is rarely used for momentum. I highly recommend everybody to update because this is an important correction and this bug has been in ROMS for long time.

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