Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (502 - 504 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#452 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in c_std_bry.m

The order the dimensions for 3D open boundary condtions standard deviation varaibles (u_obc, v_obc, temp_obc, and salt_obc) in 4dvar/c_std_bry.m was incorrect. We need to have

Var.dimid           = [did.time did.bry did.Nr did.IorJ];

Many thanks to Chris Edwards for bringing this to my attention.

#453 arango arango Fixed Corrected a bug in the correlation and normalization driver

Correted a problem in the correlation.h driver that was forcing to compute the error covariance normalization coefficient for initial conditions, model error, open boundary conditons, and surface forcing at the same time.

It was not possible to compute one set of coefficients alone and we were getting I/O error because trying to process or access non-existing normalization and standard deviation files.

I also added special logic in inp_par.F when the CORRELATION CPP options is activates.

Many thanks to Rich Signell for bringing this to my attention.

#454 arango arango Done added driver d_std_obc.m

Added a Matlab driver script d_std_obc.m to extract and write open boundary condtions standard deviations which are used in 4D-Var. This is just a template script that can be used to compute the error covariance standard deviation for open boundary conditions. As an example, they are extracted from the initial conditions standard deviation data.

I also corrected minor typos in the documentation of d_ssh_obs.m and d_sst_obs.m.

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