Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (466 - 468 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#414 arango jcwarner Fixed diagnostic bugs - several

1) Line 1419 step2d_lf_am3.h is:


and should be


2) Line 561 step3d_uv.F is:

            Dwrk(i,M2yadv)=Dwrk(i,M2hadv)+                              &
     &                     DiaU3wrk(i,j,k,M3yadv)*Hzk(i,k)

and should be

            Dwrk(i,M2yadv)=Dwrk(i,M2yadv)+                              &
     &                     DiaU3wrk(i,j,k,M3yadv)*Hzk(i,k)

the diagnotics results still seem questionable...

#416 arango arango Fixed Corrected an adjoint bug in NPZD_IRON

Corrected an adjoint bug in tl_npzd_iron.h, rp_npzd_iron.h, and ad_npzd_iron.h when the option NPZD_IRON is activated. We were using the incorrect basic state during the linearization of the Iron uptake. Many thanks to Andy Moore for correcting this bug.

I also corrected a lowercase/uppercase typo in w4dpsas_ocean.h and w4dvar_ocean.h. We were using both rec and Rec dummy variables. The variable rec was renamed to irec. Many thanks to Brian Powell for bringing this to my attention.

#417 arango arango Fixed A small bug in obs_sen_is4dvar.h

There was a typo in obs_sen_is4dvar.h. A underscore was missing in line 348 for the object initialize_ocean:

       USE mod_ocean, ONLY : initialize_ocean

Also, the assignment for BLKname needed to be before the call to ad_initial and not after:

#if defined BULK_FLUXES && defined NL_BULK_FLUXES
!  Set file name containing the nonlinear model bulk fluxes to be read
!  and processed by other algorithms.
!  Initialize adjoint model and define sensitivity functional.
        CALL ad_initial (ng)
        IF ( RETURN

Many thanks to Jerome Fiechter and Andy Moore for bringing this to my attention

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