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Results (445 - 447 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#393 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in sediment metadata

The local load switch needs to be set to .FALSE. in each one of the metadata variables that requires override in include files sediment_mod.h and ecosim_var.h.

The logic is somewhat different for the metadata processed by the include files to that coded directly in mod_ncparam.h. Notice that the counter varid needs to be advanced by one at the end of the special CASE constructs, since the load switch is false. Some trickery here to allow functionality via the include files.

I missed this one. Many thanks to Xiang-Ming Zeng for reporting this problem.

#394 arango arango Done Renamed flag OBS_SENSITIVITY

For consistency and clarity with other 4D-Var observation senstivity algorithms, the C-preprocessing option OBS_SENSITIVITY was renamed to IS4DVAR_SENSITIVITY. The driver for this option was also renamed from obs_sen_ocean.h to obs_sen_is4dvar.h. Very small changes were made to several files to account for the new CPP flag.

I also made few changes to routine netcdf_var_check in module mod_netcdf.F to check more carefully the 4D-Var parameters. Only the ones needed are checked. Many thanks to Andy Moore for reporting this potential problem.

Corrected a bug in the balance operator when integrating the hydrostatic equation. We need a 1/rho0 factor instead of g/rho0 here. Many thanks to Andy Moore for bringing this to my attention.

#395 arango arango Done Updated

Added additional constraints to the FC definition to allow blank spaces and parenthesis in the full compiler path:

# Use full path of compiler. Notice that a very special editing is
# done for the FC defintion to allow blank spaces and parenthesis in the
# compiler path. For example, we can have:
#      c:\\Software\\My Compilers (64 bit)
# or
#      /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Compiler/11.1/051/bin/ia32/ifort
# or
#      /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Intel/Compiler/11.1/051/bin/ia32/ifort
               FC := $(shell which ${FC} | sed 's|\([ |(|)]\)|\\\1|g')
               LD := $(FC)

Many thanks to David Robertson for fixing this problem.

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