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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#374 arango arango Fixed WARNING: Corrected BUG in scale_factor attribute for input NetCDF files

WARNING: This is a bug if you scale your data using the NetCDF scale_factor attribute which is used to compress data sometimes.

Corrected a bug in get_ngfld.F, get_ngfldr.F, get_2dflf.F, get_2dfldr.F, get_3dfld.F, and get_3dfldr.F. The Fscale(ifield,ng) was rewritten as:

!  If "scale_factor" attribute is present for a variable, the data are
!  to be multiplied by this factor.  Check if only water points are
!  available.
          IF (foundit) THEN
            DO i=1,nvatt
              IF (TRIM(var_Aname(i)).eq.'scale_factor') THEN
              ELSE IF (TRIM(var_Aname(i)).eq.'water_points') THEN
              END IF
            END DO
          END IF

This was changed to:

              IF (TRIM(var_Aname(i)).eq.'scale_factor') THEN
              ELSE IF (TRIM(var_Aname(i)).eq.'water_points') THEN
              END IF

So no longer the value of Fscale(ifield,ng) is over-written. The scale value is now stored in Finfo(10,:,ng). This avoided scaling the variable twice by the scale_factor during reading in routines nf_fread*.

I apologize that missed this one completely when I tested this part. Many thanks to Brian Powell for bringing this to my attention.

#375 arango arango Done Generalized coupled biology and sediment models interface

I updated the interface for the various ecosystem model in ROMS. This allows a lot of flexibility and customization:

  • The ecosystem model input parameters are declared in an new file xxx_mod.h which is included in module mod_biology.F as:
    #ifdef BIOLOGY
    # if defined BIO_FENNEL
    #  include <fennel_mod.h>
    # elif defined ECOSIM
    #  include <ecosim_mod.h>
    # elif defined NEMURO
    #  include <nemuro_mod.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_FRANKS
    #  include <npzd_Franks_mod.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_IRON
    #  include <npzd_iron_mod.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_POWELL
    #  include <npzd_Powell_mod.h>
    # endif
  • The input parameters are now read from a new file xxx_inp.h which is included in inp_par.F as
    #ifdef BIOLOGY
    # if defined BIO_FENNEL
    #  include <fennel_inp.h>
    # elif defined NEMURO
    #  include <nemuro_inp.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_FRANKS
    #  include <npzd_Franks_inp.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_POWELL
    #  include <npzd_Powell_inp.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_IRON
    #  include <npzd_iron_inp.h>
    # elif defined ECOSIM
    #  include <ecosim_inp.h>
    # endif
    #ifdef SEDIMENT
    # include <sediment_inp.h>
  • The ecosystem model input parameters are defined (all output NetCDF files) in a new file xxx_def.h which is included in def_info.F as:
    #if defined BIOLOGY && defined SOLVE3D
    # if defined BIO_FENNEL
    #  include <fennel_def.h>
    # elif defined ECOSIM
    #  include <ecosim_def.h>
    # elif defined NEMURO
    #  include <nemuro_def.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_FRANKS
    #  include <npzd_Franks_def.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_IRON
    #  include <npzd_iron_def.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_POWELL
    #  include <npzd_Powell_def.h>
    # endif
  • The ecosystem model input parameters are written (all output NetCDF files) in a new file xxx_wrt.h which is included in wrt_info.F as:
    #if defined BIOLOGY && defined SOLVE3D
    # if defined BIO_FENNEL
    #  include <fennel_wrt.h>
    # elif defined ECOSIM
    #  include <ecosim_wrt.h>
    # elif defined NEMURO
    #  include <nemuro_wrt.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_FRANKS
    #  include <npzd_Franks_wrt.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_IRON
    #  include <npzd_iron_wrt.h>
    # elif defined NPZD_POWELL
    #  include <npzd_Powell_wrt.h>
    # endif

Check any of these files if you are adding a new ecosystem model into ROMS for guidance. Note that all the new ecosystem *.h files are located in ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology and included within <...> to allow the user to customize any of them in the project directory while keeping the distributed code intact (check the build script for details).

The input parameters for the NEMURO model were not written in the output NetCDF file before. I missed this one.

Also, notice that currently only sediment_inp.h is available for the sediment model. This will change in the future as this model evolves and more input parameters are required.

I also fixed couple unbounded local arrays bugs in ecosim.h and the sink tracer indices for the silica group.

#376 arango arango Done IMPORTANT: New parameters in input script files

All the input script files were updated to include new parameters:

  • Added new horizontal mixing parameters for adjoint-based applications: ad_TNU2, ad_TNU4, ad_VISC2, and ad_VISC4. These parameters can be set to a different values than those used in the nonlinear model. In some applications, other values are needed for stability of the tangent linear, representer, and adjoint models. Also this can be used when the advection scheme in the adjoint-based algorithms is different that the nonlinear model basic state trajectory.
! Harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids].

        TNU2 ==  0.0d0   0.0d0                  ! m2/s
        TNU4 ==  0.0d0   0.0d0                  ! m4/s

     ad_TNU2 == 50.0d0  50.0d0                  ! m2/s
     ad_TNU4 == 2.0d+10 2.00d+10                ! m4/s

! Harmononic/biharmonic, horizontal viscosity coefficient for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [Ngrids].

       VISC2 == 0.0d0                           ! m2/s
       VISC4 == 0.0d0                           ! m4/s

    ad_VISC2 == 50.0d0                          ! m2/s
    ad_VISC4 == 2.0d+10                         ! m4/s
  • A new routine ini_hmixing.F is introduced to initialize the horizontal mixing array (diff2, diff4, visc2_p, visc2_r, visc4_p, visc4_r) for the nonlinear, tangent linear, representer and adjoint models. This change is backward compatible and you do not to modify your horizontal mixing strategies, like sponges and so on. This routine also sets the current value of horizontal mixing constants tnu2, tnu4, visc2, and visc4 from provided input values (nl_tnu2, ad_tnu2, or tl_tnu2, etc).
  • Added new parameters ad_AKT_fac and ad_AKV_fac to scale (if so desired, default value is 1.0) the basic state vertical mixing coefficients (Akt and Akv arrays) in adjoint-based applications when the C-preprocessing option FORWARD_MIXING is activated. In some applications, a smaller/larger values of vertical mixing are necessary for stability. The same scale value is used in the tangent linear, representer and adjoint model for symmetry considerations.
  • Added new logical swith LtracerSrc to specify which tracer variables to consider when the C-preprocessing option TS_PSOURCE is activated.
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify which variables to consider on
! tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff): [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids].
! See glossary below for details.

  LtracerSrc == T T                        ! temperature, salinity, inert

This changes affect all ROMS input scripts:,,,,,,, and The changes are simple and backward compatible.

WARNING: the point sources (TS_PSOURCE) of tracers are modified as follows in

!  LtracerSrc  Logical switches (T/F) to specify which tracer variables
!              to consider when the option TS_PSOURCE is activated. Only
!              NAT active tracers (temperature, salinity) and NPT inert
!              tracers need to be specified here:
!                LtracerSrc(itemp,ng)     for temperature (itemp=1)
!                LtracerSrc(isalt,ng)     for salinity    (isalt=2)
!                LtracerSrc(NAT+1,ng)     for inert tracer 1
!                ...                      ...
!                LtracerSrc(:,NAT+NPT)    for inert tracer NPT
!              Other biological and sediment tracers switches are specified in
!              their respective input scrips.
!              Recall that TS_PSOURCE is usually activated to add river runoff
!              as a point source. At minimum, it is necessary to specify both
!              temperature and salinity for all rivers.  The other tracers are
!              optional.
!              This logical switch REPLACES and ELIMINATES the need to have
!              or read the variable "river_flag(river)" in the input rivers
!              forcing NetCDF file:
!                double river_flag(river)
!                        river_flag:long_name = "river runoff tracer flag"
!                        river_flag:option_0 = "all tracers are off"
!                        river_flag:option_1 = "only temperature"
!                        river_flag:option_2 = "only salinity"
!                        river_flag:option_3 = "both temperature and salinity"
!                        river_flag:units = "nondimensional"
!              This logic was too cumbersome and complicated when additional
!              tracers are considered. However, this change is backward
!              compatible.
!              The LtracerSrc switch will be used to activate the reading of
!              respective tracer variable from input river forcing NetCDF
!              file. If you want to add other tracer variables (other than
!              temperature and salinity) as a source for a particular river(s),
!              you just need to specify such values on those river(s). Then,
!              set the values to ZERO on the other river(s) that do NOT
!              require such river forcing for that tracer. Recall that you
!              need to specify the tracer values for all rivers, even if
!              their values are zero.

Please check any of the biological and sediment model input scripts for more details. The old logic was too cumbersome and complicated. Notice that a lot of files were changed. Notice that ana_psource.h was updated and no longer has the Lsrc argument.

I am looking in more detail the river runoff (point sources) and I expect to update this capability in the future.

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