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Results (415 - 417 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#358 arango arango Done Expanded use of add_offset and scale_factor

Expanded the update in src:ticket:356 to also include the scale_factor attribute.

Currently, all the NetCDF data input routines will check if any the following attributes: scale_factor, add_offset, or _FillValue are present in the input NetCDF variable:

  • If the scale_value attribute is present, the data is multiplied by this factor after reading.
  • If the add_offset attribute is present, this value is added to the data after reading.
  • If both scale_factor and add_offset attributes are present, the data are first scaled before the offset is added. They are usually used for simple data compression.
  • If the _FillValue attribute is present, the data having this value is treated as missing and it is replaced with zero. This feature it is usually related with the land/sea masking.

Notice that the NetCDF attribute convention stipulates:

"When scale_factor and add_offset are used for packing, the associated variable (containing the packed data) is typically of type byte or short, whereas the unpacked values are intended to be of type float or double. The attributes scale_factor and add_offset should both be of the type intended for the unpacked data, e.g. float or double".

On the other hand, the _FillValue must be of the same type as the NetCDF variable.

#359 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in nf_fread2d_bry and nf_fread3d_bry

I introduced a bug in src:ticket:358 in files nf_fread2d_bry.F and nf_fread3d_bry.F. The function name cannot be used in this context since the RESULT clause is alrady used. I just forgot about that.

Many thanks to Dmitry Tokarev for reporting this problem.

#360 arango arango Done New Biology and Sediment sub-directories

John Warner suggested several weeks ago that we should separate the sediment model into a sub-directory containing all the routines associate with this model. This is a good idea since this model is expanding and it will include new features in the future.

Similar argument applies for the biology and sea ice models. The sea ice model will be available in the future.

So in this revision, we have the following new directories:



Only some of the biological models have been adjointed. The sediment model is only available in the nonlinear model. In the future we will include the sea ice model directory.

The files associated with these models were moved to their respective directories.

We need to have these sub-directory structure because these models are part of ROMS kernel which has an adjoint, tangent, and representer model.

I also corrected few typos. Many thanks to Kate Hedstrom and Gregoire Broquet for reporting these problems.

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