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Results (370 - 372 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#303 arango arango Done Surface atmospheric pressure forcing

The pressure gradient routines were updated to include surface atmospheric pressure forcing in 3D applications. Similarly, the barotropic engine (step2d) was updated to include this surface atmospheric pressure forcing in 2D applications. This capability is activate with ATM_PRESS CPP option. Some users have implemented this forcing in their codes but only for 3D applications.

Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for his help in coding and testing this options. Check the following forum posting for more details. I also coded the adjoint version of these routines but it require more rigorous testing. So use caution when using this option in the adjoint-based algorithms.

#304 arango arango Fixed Another correction to the surface tracer 4DVAR adjustment

The adjustment of surface tracer was corrected to include the various options available for heat and fresh water flux corrections. Also the forcing arrays need to clean during the convolutions in the W4DPSAS and W4DVAR algorithms.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for finding and fixing these problems. It amazing how technically complex are these algorithms. We keep fixing them. The good news is that we having very good results and convergence between strong and weak constraint algorithms.

#305 arango arango Done Tagged latest repository version as ROMS 3.2

The current trunk revision (-r 338) is quite stable so we are tagging this as ROMS/TOMS Version 3.2. Please check the following forum message for information about this release.

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