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Results (367 - 369 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#298 arango arango Fixed Need to set critical depth (hc) for other transformations

The critical depth, hc, was not assigned when using the new vertical transformation equation and the other vertical stretching functions. This value needs to be assigned in set_scoord.F

#301 arango arango Done Observation sensitivity for W4DPSAS and W4DVAR

Two new weak constraint, 4DVar data assimilation algorithms have been developed to compute the sensitivity of the assimilation system (W4DPSAS and W4DVAR) to each observations. They measure the degree to which each observation contributes to the uncertainty of the estimate. This analysis can be used to determine the type of measurements that need to be made, where to observe, and when.

These are very complex algorithms. We will provide guidelines for their usage in the future. They are activated using either W4DPSAS_SENSITIVITY and W4DVAR_SENSITIVITY. These algorithms can be only used for a single outer loop. They include the regular data assimilation algorithm (W4DPSAS or W4DVAR) plus the adjoint of the system. More than one outer loop will require the tangent linear of the tangent linear model which we don't have.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for helping us code and test these algorithms.

#302 arango arango Done Added scripts to process initial conditions

I add new scripts to process initial conditions and climatology NetCDF files:

% Preprocessing:
%   c_climatology - Create a ROMS climatology NetCDF file.
%   d_climatology - Driver to create a ROMS climatology file.
%   c_initial     - Create a ROMS initial conditions NetCDF file.
%   d_initial     - Driver to create a ROMS initial conditions file.
% Time management:
%   date_stamp   - Set current date string.
% Parallelism:
%   ptile        - Plot (overlay) ROMS horizontal tile partitions.
%   tile         - Compute ROMS horizontal tile partitions indices.
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