Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (364 - 366 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#295 arango arango Done Updated vertical coordinates computation in ROMS plotting package

The plotting package was updated to the Vtransform variable and compute the appropriate depths for any 3D variable. This change is backward compatible. That is, if the Vtransform variable is not found it is set to its default value of Vtransform=1 for primary and secondary files.

I also updates routines datestr.F and maptitles.F so the date of the plot is computed correctly.

#296 arango arango Done Updated matlab/seawater toolbox

Updated the matlab/seawater utility to the latest released version 3.2 (19-Apr-2006). Many thanks to John Wilwin for reporting that there were a much newer version.

#297 arango jcwarner Fixed netcdf fill value for wetdry

When using the WET_DRY option, it appears that the values of zeta are being set to a netcdf fill value in regions where the land cells are dry (rmask_full = 0). This can not occur. The values of zeta need to be retained when written to a netcdf file so that users can compute the actual volume and tracer mass of the system.

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