Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (352 - 354 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#279 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in the creation of the 4DVAR normalization file

Corrected a bug in def_norm.F that affected leaving the definition mode during the file creation. An END IF was out of place. Many thanks to Gordon Zhang for reporting this problem.

I also corrected a typo in normalization.F and allowed def_ini.F and rp_def_ini.F to open the NetCDF even if there are no variables to add. This allow us to run 4DVAR in unclean initial conditions files during debugging.

#280 arango arango Fixed Corrected parallel bug in white_noise.F

There is a parallel bug in white_noise.F due to the size of local array random. Its dimension needs to be larger by 2 so the minimum and maximum values are broadcasted to all nodes during the calls to mp_scatter2d and mp_scatter3d.

Many thanks to Gordon Zhang for reporting this problem.

#281 arango arango Fixed CF compliance

ROMS is now following the NetCDF CF compliance more strictly. However, many users are unaware or ignoring it. I modified get_cycle.F to check if the attribute cycle_length is not defined as the same external data type as the time variable, which is always a floating-point (single or double precision) variable. The code now checks it the user defined this variable as an integer. Many thanks to Jerome Fiechter for bringing this to my attention.

I also changed nf_fread2d.F to allow negative _FillValue data which is possible when interpolating input fields. The check now is over absolute values:

          DO i=1,MyNpts
            IF (ABS(wrk(i)).ge.ABS(Aspval)) THEN
              wrk(i)=0.0_r8             ! land/sea maked with _FillValue
            END IF
          END DO

The station data in def_station.F is now defined as independent access variables during parallel I/O. Many thanks to Kate Hedstrom for reporting this problem.

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