Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#373 closed upgrade (Done)

Level of no motion in 4DVar Balance Operator

Reported by: arango Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Adjoint Based Algorithms
Component: Adjoint Version: 3.3
Keywords: Cc:


The error covariance balance operator was updated to include the options for what state variable to use as a constraints (in the off-diagonal terms), and a level of no motion option when computing the balanced free-surface contribution.

Notice that the following new parameters were added to input script External/

! Balance operator level of no motion depth (m) used when computing balanced
! free-surface contribution, [1:Ngrids].

      LNM_depth == 1000.0d0               ! meters, positive

! Balance operator level of no motion flag used to compute balanced
! free-surface contribution:
!      [0] Integrate from local bottom to the surface
!      [1] Integrate from LNM_depth to surface or integrate from local bottom
!          if shallower than LNM_depth

      LNM_flag  =  0

! Balance operator logical switches for state variables to consider in the
! error covariance multivariate constraints.

balance(isSalt) =  T                      ! salinity
balance(isFsur) =  T                      ! free-sruface
balance(isVbar) =  F                      ! 2D momentum (ubar, vbar)
balance(isVvel) =  T                      ! 3D momentum (u, v)

I also cleaned few things:

  • Removed the internal flag SET_ZETA. This is now the default configuration in all adjoint-based algorithm. This option was introduced a while ago during the perfect restart. The assignment of the free-surface to is its fast-time averaged value is now done by calling set_zeta in main3d and not in rhs3d. This change was supported in the adjoint-based algorithms by activating this flag. This is fully tested and we get identical solutions.
  • Removed obsolete routine load_forcing from frc_adjust.F. This is not longer necessary.
  • Added a new global attribute state_vector to output NetCDF file containing the variables and their order in the 4DVar state vector.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 15 years ago

Resolution: Done
Status: newclosed
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