Ticket #173: stations_lmd_test.in

File stations_lmd_test.in, 12.5 KB (added by m.hadfield, 16 years ago)
1! Station Extraction Parameters.
3!svn $Id: stations_bl_test.in 165 2008-03-13 21:18:13Z arango $
4!========================================================= Hernan G. Arango ===
5! Copyright (c) 2002-2008 The ROMS/TOMS Group !
6! Licensed under a MIT/X style license !
7! See License_ROMS.txt !
9! !
10! Input parameters can be entered in ANY order, provided that the parameter !
11! KEYWORD (usually, upper case) is typed correctly followed by "=" or "==" !
12! symbols. Any comment lines are allowed and must begin with an exclamation !
13! mark (!) in column one. Comments may appear to the right of a parameter !
14! specification to improve documentation. Comments will be ignored during !
15! reading. Blank lines are also allowed and ignored. Continuation lines in !
16! a parameter specification are allowed and must be preceded by a backslash !
17! (\). In some instances, more than one value is required for a parameter. !
18! If fewer values are provided, the last value is assigned for the entire !
19! parameter array. The multiplication symbol (*), without blank spaces in !
20! between, is allowed for a parameter specification. For example, in a two !
21! grids nested application: !
22! !
23! AKT_BAK == 2*1.0d-6 2*5.0d-6 ! m2/s !
24! !
25! indicates that the first two entries of array AKT_BAK, in fortran column- !
26! major order, will have the same value of "1.0d-6" for grid 1, whereas the !
27! next two entries will have the same value of "5.0d-6" for grid 2. !
28! !
29! In multiple levels of nesting and/or multiple connected domains step-ups, !
30! "Ngrids" entries are expected for some of these parameters. In such case, !
31! the order of the entries for a parameter is extremely important. It must !
32! follow the same order (1:Ngrids) as in the state variable declaration. The !
33! USER may follow the above guidelines for specifying his/her values. These !
34! parameters are marked by "==" plural symbol after the KEYWORD. !
35! !
38! Switch to control the writing of stations data within nested and/or multiple
39! connected grids, [1:Ngrids].
41 Lstations == T
43! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of fields in STATION
44! output file, [Sout(:,ng), ng=1, Ngrids].
46Sout(idBath) == T ! time-dependent bathymetry
47Sout(idFsur) == T ! free-surface
48Sout(idUbar) == T ! 2D U-velocity
49Sout(idVbar) == T ! 2D V-velocity
50Sout(idUvel) == T ! 3D U-velocity
51Sout(idVvel) == T ! 3D V-velocity
52Sout(idWvel) == T ! 3D W-velocity
53Sout(idOvel) == T ! 3D omega vertical velocity
55Sout(idTvar) == T T ! all (NT) tracers
57Sout(idUsms) == T ! surface U-stress
58Sout(idVsms) == T ! surface V-stress
59Sout(idUbms) == T ! bottom U-stress
60Sout(idVbms) == T ! bottom V-stress
61Sout(idUbws) == F ! bottom U-wave stress
62Sout(idVbws) == F ! bottom V-wave stress
64Sout(idUbed) == F ! bed wave orbital U-velocity
65Sout(idVbed) == F ! bed wave orbital V-velocity
66Sout(idUbot) == F ! bottom U-momentum above bed
67Sout(idVbot) == F ! bottom V-momentum above bed
69Sout(idTsur) == F F ! surface net heat and salt flux
70Sout(idLhea) == F ! latent heat flux
71Sout(idShea) == F ! sensible heat flux
72Sout(idLrad) == F ! longwave radiation flux
73Sout(idSrad) == F ! shortwave radiation flux
74Sout(idevap) == F ! evaporation rate
75Sout(idrain) == F ! precipitation rate
77Sout(idDano) == T ! density anomaly
78Sout(idVvis) == T ! vertical viscosity
79Sout(idTdif) == T ! vertical T-diffusion
80Sout(idSdif) == T ! vertical Salinity diffusion
81Sout(idHsbl) == T ! depth of surface boundary layer
82Sout(idHbbl) == T ! depth of bottom boundary layer
83Sout(idMtke) == F ! turbulent kinetic energy
84Sout(idMtls) == F ! turbulent length scale
86! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of exposed sediment
87! layer properties into STATIONS output file. Currently, MBOTP properties
88! are expected for the bottom boundary layer and/or sediment models:
90! Sout(idBott(isd50)), isd50 = 1 ! mean grain diameter
91! Sout(idBott(idens)), idens = 2 ! mean grain density
92! Sout(idBott(iwsed)), iwsed = 3 ! mean settling velocity
93! Sout(idBott(itauc)), itauc = 4 ! critical erosion stress
94! Sout(idBott(irlen)), irlen = 5 ! ripple length
95! Sout(idBott(irhgt)), irhgt = 6 ! ripple height
96! Sout(idBott(ibwav)), ibwav = 7 ! wave excursion amplitude
97! Sout(idBott(izdef)), izdef = 8 ! default bottom roughness
98! Sout(idBott(izapp)), izapp = 9 ! apparent bottom roughness
99! Sout(idBott(izNik)), izNik = 10 ! Nikuradse bottom roughness
100! Sout(idBott(izbio)), izbio = 11 ! biological bottom roughness
101! Sout(idBott(izbfm)), izbfm = 12 ! bed form bottom roughness
102! Sout(idBott(izbld)), izbld = 13 ! bed load bottom roughness
103! Sout(idBott(izwbl)), izwbl = 14 ! wave bottom roughness
104! Sout(idBott(iactv)), iactv = 15 ! active layer thickness
105! Sout(idBott(ishgt)), ishgt = 16 ! saltation height
107! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
108! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
110Sout(idBott) == F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
112! Number of stations to process in each nested grid. These values are
113! essential because the station arrays are dynamically allocated using
114! these values, [1:Ngrids].
116 NSTATION == 1
118! Station locations for all grids in any desired order. The horizontal
119! location for a particular station may be specified in terms of fractional
120! (I,J) grid pairs (FLAG=0) or (longitude,latitude) grid pairs (FLAG=1).
121! Here, FLAG is a special switch and may be used for multiple purposes.
122! The GRID column indicates nested grid number to process. This value must
123! be one in non-nested applications. The COMMENT section is ignored during
124! reading and may be used to help documentation.
128 1 0 5.0d0 5.0d0
132! =========
134! This input file provides the positions of stations data to be extracted
135! and written into STATIONS output file. This file is use to monitor model
136! fields at frequent time intervals. It is also used to sample the model at
137! observation locations in order to build the penalty function used in
138! variational data assimilation.
141! Control Switch.
144! Lstations Switch to control the writing of station data within nested
145! and/or multiple connected grids. Ngrid values are expected.
146! By default this switch is set to TRUE in "mod_scalars" for
147! all grids when the CPP option STATIONS is activated. The
148! USER can control which grid to process by turning on/off
149! this switch.
152! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of fields in STATIONS
153! output file. Except for tracer type variables, Ngrids values are expected
154! for all switches.
157! Sout(idBath) Write out time-dependent bathymetry.
158! Sout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
159! Sout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-velocity component.
160! Sout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-velocity component.
161! Sout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-velocity component.
162! Sout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-velocity component.
163! Sout(idWvel) Write out 3D W-velocity component.
164! Sout(idOvel) Write out 3D omega vertical velocity.
166! Sout(idTvar) Write out tracer type variables, (NT,Ngrids) values are
167! Expected.
169! Sout(idUsms) Write out surface U-momentum stress.
170! Sout(idVsms) Write out surface V-momentum stress.
171! Sout(idUbms) Write out bottom U-momentum stress.
172! Sout(idVbms) Write out bottom V-momentum stress.
173! Sout(idUbws) Write out wind-induced, bottom U-wave stress.
174! Sout(idVbws) Write out wind-induced, bottom V-wave stress.
176! Sout(idUbed) Write out wind-induced, bed wave orbital U-velocity.
177! Sout(idVbed) Write out wind-induced, bed wave orbital V-velocity.
178! Sout(idUbot) Write out bottom U-momentum above bed.
179! Sout(idVbot) Write out bottom V-momentum above bed.
181! Sout(idTsur) Write out surface net heat and salt flux.
182! Sout(idLhea) Write out latent heat flux.
183! Sout(idShea) Write out sensible heat flux.
184! Sout(idLrad) Write out long-wave radiation flux.
185! Sout(idSrad) Write out short-wave radiation flux.
186! Sout(idevap) Write out evaporation rate.
187! Sout(idrain) Write out precipitation rate.
189! Sout(idDano) Write out density anomaly.
190! Sout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity coefficient.
191! Sout(idTdif) Write out vertical diffusion coefficient of temperature.
192! Sout(idSdif) Write out vertical diffusion coefficient of salinity.
193! Sout(idHsbl) Write out depth of oceanic surface boundary layer.
194! Sout(idHbbl) Write out depth of oceanic bottom boundary layer.
195! Sout(idMtke) Write out turbulent kinetic energy.
196! Sout(idMtls) Write out turbulent kinetic energy times length scale.
198! Sout(idBott) Write out exposed sediment layer properties, 1:MBOTP.
201! Station positions KEYWORDS.
204! NSTATION Number of stations to process in each nested grid. Ngrids
205! values are expected. These values are essential because
206! the station arrays are dynamically allocated using these
207! values.
209! POS Station locations for all grids in any desired order. The
210! horizontal location for a particular station can be
211! specified in terms of fractional (I,J) grid pairs (FLAG=0)
212! or (longitude,latitude) grid pairs (FLAG=1). Here, FLAG is
213! a special switch and may be used for multiple purposes.
214! The GRID column indicates nested grid number to process.
215! This value must be one in non-nested applications. The
216! COMMENT section is ignored during reading and may be used
217! to help documentation. This locations are used to
218! interpolate model data before writting to output STATIONS
219! file. The stations locations are read using the following
220! statement:
222! is(1:Ngrids)=0
223! DO WHILE (.true.)
224! read (unit,*,ERR=10) igrid, flag, Xpos, Ypos
225! ng=MAX(1,ABS(ng))
226! is(ng)=ic(ng)+1
227! SCALARS(ng)%Sflag(is(ng))=flag
228! SCALARS(ng)%SposX(is(ng))=Xpos
229! SCALARS(ng)%SposY(is(ng))=Ypos
230! END DO
232! Since there is no decoding during the reading of the stations
233! locations, the POS keyword must be the last one to process.
234! That is, it should be at the end of the input specification.