= Welcome to ROMS/TOMS Distribution = The goal of this web-based interface is to manage ROMS/TOMS Framework distribution, bug fixes, updates and enhancements. == License and Disclaimer == ROMS/TOMS Framework is copyright (c) 2002-2007 by [wiki:ROMSTOMSGroup The ROMS/TOMS Group]. Please read the [wiki:License_ROMS license text]. Any contributions to this website (code or documentation) confer membership in the ROMS/TOMS Group and indicate that you agree with the terms of the license. == Getting Started == * [wiki:UserRegistration Register as a ROMS/TOMS User] * [wiki:ChangePassword Change your password] * [wiki:SvnIntro Download, modify, and update the ROMS/TOMS source code using SVN] * [wiki:TracIntro Report bugs, propose enhancements and track tasks using Trac] * [http://www.myroms.org/forum/index.php Discuss issues, make announcements, request help using the ROMS/TOMS Forum] * [http://myroms.org/projects/Models/query?order=id&desc=1 View all Trac tickets]