
Version 12 (modified by Rich Signell, 18 years ago) ( diff )


Welcome to the ROMS_SED Trac

The goal of this project is to produce an open-source model that couples hydrodynamics (circulation and waves), sediment transport, and morphodynamics. The model will be suitable for realistic and useful simulations of processes that influence sediment transport in the coastal ocean, including estuaries, nearshore regions, and the continental shelf over regional length scales (10’s of meters to 100’s of kilometers) and time scales ranging from transport events to decades.

Starting Points

  • Browse the source, sort by date, and then click on "last change" to see what's changed
  • Follow all changes as a function of time (code, wiki, etc) by choosing "Timeline"
  • Browse NOPP CSTM documents: proposal, contact list and meeting documents

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