= Welcome to the Community Sediment Modeling Project (CSTM) = The goal of this project is to produce an open-source model that couples hydrodynamics (circulation and waves), sediment transport, and morphodynamics. The model will be suitable for realistic and useful simulations of processes that influence sediment transport in the coastal ocean, including estuaries, nearshore regions, and the continental shelf over regional length scales (10’s of meters to 100’s of kilometers) and time scales ranging from transport events to decades. We are initially focusing on building this capability around the ROMS hydrodynamic modeling system, but will working toward modularizing the system components via the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). == License and Disclaimer == ROMS is copyright (c) 2002-2007 by [wiki:ROMSTOMSGroup The ROMS/TOMS Group]. Please read the [wiki:ROMS_license license text]. Any contributions to this website (code or documentation) confer membership in the ROMS/TOMS Group and indicate that you agree with the terms of the license. == NOPP Project == We have recieved [http://www.nopp.org/ National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP)] funding for 2007-2009 to accelerate progress on this project. For more information about the NOPP CSTM project goals and approach, see the [https://www.hosted-projects.com/dav/cmgsoft/nopp/proposal/CSTM_Tech-proposal.pdf NOPP proposal]. You can also read the [https://www.hosted-projects.com/dav/cmgsoft/nopp/proposal/nopp_cstm_reviews.pdf NOPP proposal reviews]. == Important Note == Although you can browse the source code using [wiki:TracIntro Trac], to download the code you '''must''' use the [wiki:SvnIntro Subversion] revision control system software. There is no alternate FTP or HTTP access to tar.gz or zip files. == Getting Started == We manage using several tools: * [wiki:SvnIntro Subversion] to download, modify, and update the source code. There is no alternate FTP or HTTP access to tar.gz or zip files. * [wiki:TracIntro Trac] to browse the source code, report bugs, ask questions and suggest improvements]. * [https://www.hosted-projects.com/dav/cmgsoft/nopp WebDAV web folder] Browse the proposal, contact list and meeting documents]. ---- For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex. MeeTings SandBox