== WebDAV CSTM Shared Web Folder == https://www.myroms.org/dav/cstm == WebDAV Help == A folder for file sharing among CSTM collegues is provided using WebDAV protocol, which requires WebDAV capable software on the users machine. WebDAV stands for "Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning" === Windows XP machines === Windows XP has built in support for WebDAV. Find My Network Places, the start the "add Network Place" wizard. When prompted, enter: {{{ https://www.myroms.org/dav/cstm }}} You will be prompted for your ROMS username and password. Click finish, and then dragging and dropping files to this network place should work fine. === Mac OSX === Mac OSX has built-in support for WebDAV. Make the Finder active, the select "Go" and then "Connect to Server" and enter: {{{ https://www.myroms.org/dav/cstm }}} You will be prompted for your hosted-projects username and password. === Linux machines with KDE === Konqueror can be used. Enter this destination- {{{ webdav://www.myroms.org/dav/cstm }}} You will be prompted for your ROMS username and password, and after that, dragging and dropping files should work fine.