'''Tortoise is a GUI svn (subversion) client for PC''' * Get from http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org * Install on local PC * Verify successful installation by looking for new options displayed on the right-click menu- * Look for !TortoiseSvn and SVN Checkout * There will be no new desktop icon- all SVN functions are invoked from the right mouse menu. * A directory containing code monitored by subversion will have a .svn directory in it * The right-click menu items displayed depend on whether the right-click applies to something under subversion control. Icon Notes * What appears when you right click is context sensitive- if you’re not in a svn directory all the options won’t be shown * A folder that’s up to date is indicated by a green check- one that has a red exclamation point indicates changes need to be committed * Files in a svn directory have similar icons to the folders to give “at-a-glance” status How to check out * Make a new directory * Right-click the new directory name, and choose Svn checkout * In the window enter the repository name (!https://www.myroms.org/svn/cstm), verify it’s going to be put where you want, and click OK. (you can also choose to checkout other versions in this window, but use the “head” version for starters) * The files transferred to the local machine from the repository will be displayed. On large repositories, the checkout may take a long time. Handy functions * Right click on the trunk directory and select !TortoiseSvn, show log to open a window displaying revision history. * Use the !TortoiseSvn options to interact with the code being developed- instead of doing windows copy and paste to put new files under revision control, right-click !TortoiseSvn, and select "copy" * The info in !TortoiseSvn help is for the command line, but it can be adapted for use with the GUI [wiki:SvnIntro return] to Subversion Introduction page