Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of SvnIntro

12/21/06 16:55:31 (18 years ago)



  • SvnIntro

    v8 v9  
    1 == Introduction to subversion (svn) ==
     1== Introduction to Subversion (Svn) ==
    3 Subversion is a tool for managing software development that keeps track of who modified what and allows returning to a previous version if changes don't do what was expected.  All the code lives on hosted-projects, and users pull the most recent version to their local machines, use it, making modifications as needed, then may push their changes back to hosted projects.
     3Subversion (Svn) is a tool for managing software development that keeps track of who modified what and allows returning to a previous version if changes don't do what was expected.  All the files are stored on hosted-projects in a repository named roms_sed. Users pull the most recent version to their local machines with a Svn client, use the code, making modifications as needed, then may push their changes back (again using the client) to the repository on hosted-projects.
    5 Below is a general description of how subversion works.  Please look at the [ book] for more detailed information.  Following the introduction are links to pages that discuss use of two GUI clients (one for PC and one for Linux).
     5Below is a general description of how subversion works.  Please look at the [ book] for more detailed information.  Brief instructions for using two GUI clients (one for PC and one for Linux) we've tried are included.
    77'''Conceptual model'''
    99 * A svn server holds one or more code repositories
    1010 * A repository consists of all versions of the program/document under development, plus info on who made changes, and when.
    11  * A svn client may access files in the repository
     11 * A svn client may access files in the repository using Svn clients software
    1212 * Each each change to the repository the revision number to be incremented by 1.
    1313    * if file_a is changed, then file_b, then file_a, then file_c, then file_b, at the end, the repository is a revision 5.
    1414    * the revision history of file_a has 1,3; file_b has 2,5 and file_c has 4
    1515    * revisions in a repository are sequential, but the revision history of individual files may skip some numbers.
    16  * The repository referred to here contains the ROMS Sediment Transport model code:
     16 * The repository referred to below contains the ROMS Sediment Transport model code:
    1717 {{{
     21'''Using Subversion'''
     23To enable use of Svn, client software must be installed on the local machine.  Two GUI clients are described in the links below.  Most Linuxes come with svn installed, so shell commands may be used withour installing additional software.  However, the syntax will not be described here (refer to the [ book], if you're interested).
     25'''[wiki:TortoiseHelp Help on using TortoiseSVN, a GUI (subversion) client for PC]'''
     27'''[wiki:SmartsvnHelp Help on using SmartSVN a java based multi-platform GUI (subversion) client]'''
    2131'''Important Terms'''
    67 '''[wiki:TortoiseHelp Help on using TortoiseSVN, a GUI (subversion) client for PC]'''
    69 '''[wiki:SmartsvnHelp Help on using SmartSVN a java based multi-platform GUI (subversion) client]'''
    7275[wiki:WikiStart return] to the roms_sed start page