Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of SvnIntro

12/22/06 15:21:17 (18 years ago)



  • SvnIntro

    v12 v13  
    33Subversion (Svn) is a tool for managing software development that keeps track of who modified what and allows returning to a previous version if changes don't do what was expected.  All the files are stored on hosted-projects in a repository named roms_sed. Users pull the most recent version to their local machines with a Svn client, use the code, making modifications as needed, then may push their changes back (again using the client) to the repository on hosted-projects.
    5 Below is a general description of how subversion works.  Please look at the [ book] for more detailed information.  Brief instructions for using two GUI clients (one for PC and one for Linux) we've tried are included.
     5Below is a general description of how subversion works.  Please look at the [ Svn book] for more detailed information.  Brief instructions for using two GUI clients (one for PC and one for Linux) we've tried are included.
    77'''Conceptual model'''
    99 * A svn server holds one or more code repositories
    1010 * A repository consists of all versions of the program/document under development, plus info on who made changes, and when.
    11  * A svn client may access files in the repository using Svn clients software
     11 * A svn client may access files in the repository using Svn client software
    1212 * Each each change to the repository the revision number to be incremented by 1.
    1313    * if file_a is changed, then file_b, then file_a, then file_c, then file_b, at the end, the repository is a revision 5.
    2626 * {{{   svn checkout /home/mydir/code/roms_sed}}}
    28 You only check out once, after that, a hidden directory called .svn exist that keep track of the source, destination and a bunch of other information.  So to commit your changes back to the repository, cd into a local dir under subversion control (/home/mydir/code/roms_sed or below) and enter: {{{svn commit}}}.  For more detail on command line use and syntax, see the [ svn book].
     28You only check out once, after that, a hidden directory called .svn exists to keep track of the source, destination and a bunch of other information.  So to commit your changes back to the repository, cd into a local dir under subversion control (/home/mydir/code/roms_sed or below) and enter: {{{svn commit}}}.  For more detail on command line use and syntax, see the [ svn book].
    3030Several GUI front-ends to subversion exist, allowing the user can have visual prompts to help them manage their files. Two free GUI clients we've tried are described in the links below:
    39 '''Important Terms'''
     39'''Important Subversion Terms'''
    4141   * '''''Checkout''' = download a NEW project from the repository (do this once)''