
Version 3 (modified by emontgomery, 18 years ago) ( diff )


SmartSVN is a GUI client for svn (subversion)

There is a free version and a pay to use version of this software

How to checkout

  • check the "check out" button
  • in the new window click "Manage" to create a new profile
  • in the new window click "add" to create a new profile
  • then use http for access method, server name is, and the repository path is cmgsoft/roms_sed
  • for access info select username, and enter the information you recieved in the email from hosted-projects
  • name the project what you want, anc click OK

  • Now that roms_sed is established as a project, continue by clicking next,
  • the new window should show the HEAD of http", with branches, tags, and trunk
  • click next
  • select a local directory into which the code should be written
  • select chsekout a working copy and manage as a project, then click next, then click finish in the next window.
  • now, in the lower left part of the main window, lots of files should be scrolling by

You may verify that files are being written to the local machine by examining the destination directory, and there should be new files there. The initial checkout may take some time, so be patient. Eventually the directories column should show the roms_sed root and branches, tags and trunk under it. Click on trunk to display the files in trunk.

Visual indicators

  • In SmartSVN, there are also visual indications of a directory or file's status- red means that it was modified locally, green means that it matches the repository.

updating and commiting

  • When returning to roms_sed work, open your roms_sed project and click the the third icon on the tool bar with the green down arrow to update.
  • If you made changes you'd like to commit, click the fourth icon, with the orange up arrow.

return to the Introduction

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.