
Version 1 (modified by skbhate, 17 years ago) ( diff )


Regression test properties file: /lib/regression.props. Here user can customize the test run environment.

# #########################################################################
# regression.props
# Regression test properties file. Here you can set environment
# variables for regression test script. Although, the 'configure'
# script do set these variables, but it's good to check, especially
# the $ROMS_DIR variable. Make sure ROMS_DIR set to the ROMS root directory.
# usage: require "regression.props"
# Sachin Kumar Bhate ( May'07

# Base directory for all test script installation
$TEST_DIR = "/cygdrive/c/skbhate/dev/nopp/regression";

# Contains master and other relevant data files required to perform test
# you can change this directory to anything where you
# would like to store data files.
$DATA_DIR = "$TEST_DIR/data";

# directory to store test results. you can change this directory
# to anything where you would like to store the test results.
$TEST_RUN = "$TEST_DIR/test-run";

$GZIP = "/usr/bin/gunzip";

# NCO Tools
$NCKS = "/usr/local/bin/ncks";
$NCDIFF = "/usr/local/bin/ncdiff";

# NCO tools options. Add options/flags for
# ncks and ncdiff here.
# $NCKSOPT = "-4 -c";
$NCKSOPT = "";

# Set this option to identify ROMS output file types to be
# used in testing. e.g history, averages etc. By default the
# tests will only run on history files.
# $FILETYPE = "his avg rst dia"
$FILETYPES = "his rst avg dia";

# Operating Systems
$CYGWIN = "cygwin";
$LINUX = "linux";
$UNIX = "unix";
$WINDOWS = "MSWin32";

# ROMS related properties

# Base directory for ROMS model
# modified by ./config. Can be changed manually as well.
$ROMS_DIR = "/cygdrive/c/skbhate/dev/nopp/ROMS_3.0_0621";

# Input Files Directory

# ROMS output_dir. (*.nc, *.out files)
# by default it's ROMS_DIR, but if user configure ROMS for
# different output dir, then this variable needs
# to reflect that change.

# List all application for regression test in
# this file.
$REGRESS_FILE = "$DATA_DIR/regression.tests";

$MAKE_FILE = "$ROMS_DIR/makefile";

#ROMS  macros

#ROMS_SED executable
$BIN_FILE = "oceanS";
$BIN_FILE_MPI = "oceanM";
$BIN_FILE_OPENMP = "oceanO";

#process info
$NTILEI = "NtileI";
$NTILEJ = "NtileJ";

$BASH = "bash";
$CSH = "csh";

######################## Customize variables below ###############

# Default ROMS shell script dir. If you are copying build.bash
# to other location and would like to use the user specified
#, then modify the path below. Also modify the file
# name if you're running a different shell.

$ROMS_BUILD_FILE = "$ROMS_DIR/ROMS/Bin/build.bash";

#Makefile processor
# Use this to specify the number of processors you would like
# to use to compile ROMS. It will be used to specify the '-j'
# option for

$MY_CPUS = 1;

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