Regression test properties file: ''/lib/regression.props''. Here user can customize the test run environment. {{{ # ######################################################################### # regression.props # # Regression test properties file. Here you can set environment # variables for regression test script. Although, the 'configure' # script do set these variables, but it's good to check, especially # the $ROMS_DIR variable. Make sure ROMS_DIR set to the ROMS root directory. # # usage: require "regression.props" # Sachin Kumar Bhate ( ########################################################################### # TEST_DIR # Base directory for all test script installation $TEST_DIR = "/cygdrive/c/skbhate/dev/nopp/demo/test"; # DATA_DIR # Contains master and other relevant data files required to perform test $DATA_DIR = "$TEST_DIR/data"; # GZIP $GZIP = "/usr/bin/gunzip"; # NCO Tools $NCKS = "/usr/local/bin/ncks"; $NCDIFF = "/usr/local/bin/ncdiff"; # Operating Systems $CYGWIN = "cygwin"; $LINUX = "linux"; $UNIX = "unix"; $WINDOWS = "MSWin32"; # ROMS related properties # ROMS_DIR # Base directory for ROMS model # modified by ./config. Can be changed manually as well. $ROMS_DIR = "/cygdrive/c/skbhate/dev/nopp/ROMS_3.2_current"; # Input Files Directory $ROMS_INPUT_DIR = "$ROMS_DIR/ROMS/External"; # ROMS output_dir. (*.nc, *.out files) $ROMS_OUTPUT_DIR = "$ROMS_DIR"; # XML Jargon $REGRESS_XMLSCHEMA = "$DATA_DIR/metadata/schema/regressionCSTMSchema.xsd"; $NAMESPACE = ""; $NSPREFIX = "cstm"; #ROMS macros $ROMS_APPLICATION = "ROMS_APPLICATION"; $MPI = "USE_MPI"; $OPENMP = "USE_OpenMP"; $SWAN = "SWAN_COUPLE"; $ROOT_DIR = "MY_ROOT_DIR"; $ROMS_SRC = "MY_ROMS_SRC"; $PROJECT_DIR = "MY_PROJECT_DIR"; $BIN_DIR = "BINDIR"; $HEADER_DIR = "MY_HEADER_DIR"; $ANALYTICAL_DIR = "MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR"; $COMPILER = "FORT"; $CPP_FLAG = "MY_CPP_FLAGS"; $DEBUG = "USE_DEBUG"; $LARGE = "USE_LARGE"; $NETCDF4 = "USE_NETCDF4"; $MPI_F90 = "USE_MPIF90"; $NETCDF_LIB = "NETCDF_LIBDIR"; $NETCDF_INC = "NETCDF_INCDIR"; #ROMS_SED executable $BIN_FILE = "oceanS"; $BIN_FILE_MPI = "oceanM"; $BIN_FILE_OPENMP = "oceanO"; $BIN_FILE_DEBUG = "oceanG"; #Shells $BASH = "bash"; $CSH = "csh"; #PBS $QSUB = "/usr/local/bin/qsub"; $QSTAT = "/usr/local/bin/qstat"; $QDEL = "usr/local/bin/qdel"; $PBS_SCRIPT = "$ROMS_DIR/"; # Interval in seconds to poll pbs job status $POLL = 120; ######################## Customize variables below ############### # ROMS shell script (build.bash) default. #$ROMS_BUILD_FILE = "$ROMS_DIR/ROMS/Bin/build.bash"; $ROMS_BUILD_FILE = "$ROMS_DIR/ROMS/Bin/build.bash"; # TEST_RUN # directory to store test results. you can change this directory # to anything where you would like to store the test results. $TEST_RUN = "$TEST_DIR/test-run"; # Errors/msgs on STDOUT. '0'-no msgs, '1' -msgs $VERBOSE = 0; #MPIRUN ( MPI or MPICH) Configured for default on system. Change path #to use the required version of mpirun. $MPIRUN = ""; #Makefile processor # Use this to specify the number of processors you would like # to use to compile ROMS. It will be used to specify the '-j' # option for $MY_CPUS = 1; 1; }}}