== Installation: libxml2 and Perl bindings (LibXML) == Follow the steps below to download and install the required softwares. Create a local install directory 'xmllibs'[[BR]] (or any other convenient name) in your home directory or anywhere.We will use ''''$HOME/xmllibs'''' as an example here for local install.[[BR]] All of the following installations will be done in the same base local directory i.e ''$HOME/xmllibs''. A. '''Libxml2:'''[[BR]] Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit. It is free software available under the [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License]. For more information visit [http://xmlsoft.org/][[BR]] 1. Download libxml2 version 2.6.28: ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-2.6.28.tar.gz 2. Unzip and untar the file to a tmp directory. 3. Run ''configure'' as shown below. Specify the local install directory as ''$HOME/xmllibs'' {{{ $ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/xmllibs }}} 4. Run {{{ $ make }}} 5. Run ''make install''. This will install the required libs and executables into ''$HOME/xmllibs''. {{{ $ make install }}} 6. Add ''''$HOME/xmllibs/bin'''' to the system PATH. {{{ export PATH=$HOME/xmllibs/bin:$PATH or setenv PATH $HOME/xmllibs/bin:$PATH }}} [[BR]] B. '''XML::LibXML::Common-0.13''': 1. Download ''XML-LibXML-Common'' version 0.13: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PH/PHISH/XML-LibXML-Common-0.13.tar.gz 2. Unzip and untar the file to a tmp directory. 3. Generate ''Makefile'' as shown below. Specify the local install directory as ''$HOME/xmllibs'' {{{ $ perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITEARCH=$HOME/xmllibs }}} 4. Run {{{ $ make }}} 5. Run ''make test''. This will test the install. {{{ $ make test }}} 6. Run ''make install''. This will install the required libs and executables into ''$HOME/xmllibs.'' {{{ $ make install }}} [[BR]] C. '''XML::LibXML: 1.65:''' 1. Download ''XML-LibXML'' version 1.65: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PA/PAJAS/XML-LibXML-1.65.tar.gz 2. Unzip and untar the file to a tmp directory. 3. Generate ''Makefile'' as shown below. Specify the local install directory as ''$HOME/xmllibs'' {{{ $ perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITEARCH=$HOME/xmllibs }}} 4. Run {{{ $ make }}} 5. Run ''make test''. This will test the install. {{{ $ make test }}} 6. Run ''make install''. This will install the required libs and executables into ''$HOME/xmllibs.'' {{{ $ make install }}} [[BR]]