Although you could just work within the source code distribution using the Makefile, it's cleaner and will be better for you in the future if you learn to use the {{{}}} script that allows you to leave the source code directory unmodified, and have all the project specific stuff in project directories. Here's how it works: 1. Make a project directory On our Opteron cluster, I have one directory where I keep the source code {{{/home/rsignell/models/roms_rutgers/trunk}}} and another where I actually do model runs {{{/home/rsignell/projects/}}} So on my system, for a new test, I make a directory called {{{/home/rsignell/projects/test1}}} 2. Checkout the source code using SVN (or unpack the source code if you grabbed my tarfile) and copy the {{{}}} script (which you will find in {{{./ROMS/Bin}}} subdirectory) to your project directory. 3. Edit {{{}}} I edit {{{}}} to specify: {{{ MY_ROMS_APPLICATION=LAKE_SIGNELL MY_ROMS_SRC=/home/rsignell/models/roms_rutgers/trunk MY_PROJECT_DIR=/home/rsignell/projects/test1 }}} and set which compiler I want to use (e.g. {{{pgi}}}, {{{ifort}}}) and what type of executable I want (MPI, OpenMP, or Serial) Even though I use the pgi compiler on our cluster, I actually build MPI code using the {{{mpif90}}} script, so I set {{{USE_MPIF90}}} on as well as {{{pgi}}}. 4. Compile. Run the {{{}}} script. If you have more than one processor on the machine you are compiling on you can use the {{{-j}}} option to build faster. For example, to use 2 cpus: {{{ ./ -j2 }}} 5. Set up the input files for the run ROMS uses an ASCII input file to specify some of the run parameters, and we use the {{{.in}}} extension by convention to indicate these files. For the test cases, these are found in the {{{~/ROMS/External directory}}}. So to run ROMS from our project directory, we need to copy over the right input file for the {{{LAKE_SIGNELL}}} case. We also want a copy of {{{varinfo.dat}}}, which defines NetCDF parameters. {{{ cp ~/models/ROMS/External/{,varinfo.dat} ~/projects/test1 }}} 6. Run. {{{./oceanS <}}} (Serial) {{{./oceanO <}}} (OpenMP) {{{mpirun -n 16 -hostfile node_file ./oceanM}}} (MPI)