{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (15 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

ROMS-SED Compilation & Testing (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#13 Upgrade regression test for ROMS3.0 assigned enhancement normal skbhate 04/11/07
#12 Regression test for roms-sed closed fixed task normal skbhate 04/11/07
#11 Compilation of roms-sed on windows under cygwin using g95 closed fixed bug normal skbhate 02/22/07

Non-equilibrium ripple formulation (6 matches)

#5 Traykovski verifies his ROMS environment new task normal ptraykovski 01/11/07
#6 Clean Fortran version of non-equilibrium ripple code passed to Warner new task normal ptraykovski 01/11/07
#7 Non-equilibrium ripple code implemented in Warner's branch new task normal jcwarner 01/11/07
#8 Test case developed for non-equilibrium ripple code new task normal ptraykovski 01/11/07
#9 Non-equilibrium ripple code validated on test case new task normal ptraykovski 01/11/07
#10 Validated non-equilibrium ripple code implemented in trunk new task normal jcwarner 01/11/07

Modeling Tools (1 match)

#15 Interactive GUI for Pavel Sakov's gridgen. new task normal skbhate 12/12/07

(empty) (5 matches)

#3 Allow SWAN grid to be larger than ROMS grid assigned enhancement normal jcwarner 01/10/07
#4 SWAN and ROMS coupling exchange assigned enhancement normal Rich Signell 01/10/07
#16 bug in checkvars.F closed fixed bug trivial 07/24/08
#14 Occurences of MY_APPLICATION closed fixed bug normal 05/25/07
#1 Add full reference for Nemeth bed slope term formulation ROMS_sed closed fixed 1.0 enhancement trivial Rich Signell 01/02/07
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.