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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#11 skbhate skbhate fixed Compilation of roms-sed on windows under cygwin using g95

Roms-sed version: Current version available from the trunk.
Environment/OS: CYGWIN
Fortran compiler: g95
Netcdf-lib: Built with g95 compiler under cygwin

Code compiles fine and creates all the required libs for ROMS... but it breaks at the final step while linking all libs and creating executable 'OceanS'...

/usr/bin/cpp -P -traditional -I/usr/local/include -DCYGWIN -DI686 -DG95 -ISWAN -IROMS/Include -IROMS/Adjoint -IROMS/Nonlinear -IROMS/Representer -IROMS/Tangent -IROMS/SeaIce -IROMS/Drivers -IMaster Master/propagator.F > propagator.f90
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean propagator.f90
g95 -c -O3 -ffast-math propagator.f90
g95 -c -O3 -ffast-math ocean_control.f90
g95 -c -O3 -ffast-math master.f90
g95 -O3 -ffast-math master.o ocean_control.o ocean_coupler.o propagator.o refdif_couple.o libSWAN.a libADM.a libRPM.a libTLM.a libNLM.a libICE.a libUTIL.a libMODS.a /exe: /link
g95: /exe:: No such file or directory
g95: /link: No such file or directory
make: *** [.] Error 1
rm seaice.f90 sv_perturb.f90 mod_kinds.f90

The possible cause of error seems to be in the rule defined for CYGWIN in Master/ (shown below)

11: #ifeq ($(OS)-$(strip $(FORT)),CYGWIN-df)
13: ifeq ($(OS),CYGWIN)
14: $(BIN): $(libraries) $(local_objs)
15: $(LD) $(FFLAGS) $(local_objs) $(libraries) $(LIBS_WIN32) /exe:$(BIN_WIN32) /link   $(LDFLAGS)
16: else
17: $(BIN): $(libraries) $(local_objs)
18:      $(LD) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(local_objs) -o $@ $(libraries) $(LIBS)
19: endif

Line 13 (shown above) will always be true for CYGWIN no matter what is the compiler and will look for /exe and /link directories which are (I suppose) only true for compaq visual command-line fortran compiler 'df'. So the recommended fix can be uncomment line 13 and comment line 11 in Master/ . This will ensure that if statement is true for only 'df' compiler and the else statement would be executed for other compilers like g95 etc.

Compilation was successful after the above recommended changes to the Master/

The issue still remains to be resolved whether the updated rule in Master/ will work for 'df' compiler or not.

#12 skbhate skbhate fixed Regression test for roms-sed

Create regression test package for roms-sed.

#14 csherwood fixed Occurences of MY_APPLICATION

I think MY_APPLICATION should be defined in User/Functionals/ana_m3clima.h, instead of MY_APPLICATION*S*.

Also, should MY_APPLICATION be defined anywhere in ROMS/Functionals/*? I don't think so. It appears in ROMS/Functionals/ana_initial.h and ana_m3clima.h. (I found these with grep -r MY_APPLICATION *). That breaks one approach for running my own application (call it CHRIS), which is to copy User/Functionals/ana_whatever.h into a directory with all of the CHRIS stuff, then place appropriate code inside

#if defined MY_APPLICATION code

I then put #define MY_APPLICATION at the top of chris.h. That seems easier than always adding another test for the case at hand.

Finally, I found this in ROMS_SED trunk... and posted this ticket on the CSTM TRAC system, but it did not look like that TRAC system was being used... where should we post bugs when we find them in the ROMS_SED trunk?

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