What is ROMS?

Frequently Asked Questions about ROMS usage

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What is ROMS?

#1 Unread post by robertson »

The Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) is a free-surface, hydrostatic, primitive equation ocean model that uses stretched, terrain-following coordinates in the vertical and orthogonal curvilinear coordinates in the horizontal. Initially, it was based on the S-coordinate Rutgers University Model (SCRUM) described by Song and Haidvogel (1994). ROMS was completely rewritten to improve both its numerics and efficiency in single and multi-threaded computer architectures. It also was expanded to include a variety of new features including:
  • 1. high-order advection schemes
    2. accurate pressure gradient algorithms
    3. several subgrid-scale parameterizations
    4. atmospheric, oceanic, and benthic boundary layers
    5. biological modules
    6. radiation boundary conditions
    7. data assimilation.

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