about make_NCEP input

Discussion of how to use ROMS on different regional and basin scale applications.

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about make_NCEP input

#1 Unread post by rpacheco »

Hi...I'm a new ROMS user....i'm running the IRD roms version (http://www.brest.ird.fr/Roms_tools/) and after testing a few samples with the standart data that comes with the whole package, I'm interested in doing some hydrodinamic simulations for Pacific Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Maracaibo Lake (Venezuela). Until now, I was generating
my own netcdf files with several mesoscale meteorological models, but
now I want to do some simulations with updated data from noaa but I'm
experiencing some trouble with the make_NCEP commad, wich is the one for my purpouses. I know that the autorization from noaa for downloading
it via their opendap server its required, and i got it.

I'm count with a main server (with a firewall) which controls the traffic for
the computing servers and clusters. I think the public IP for this main server should be enough for them to give us green light. Their reply was short waited and they added me to their privileged list but still it's not working.

Roms brings some url's to try this, i had followed each one on foot through a browser and just one of them led me to what it seems the right place...but fails as the other ones...

the links i'm trying are

%url1='http://dappertest.pmel.noaa.gov/dapper/ ... ace_gauss/'
%url1='http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/nph-nc/ ... ace_gauss/';
%url1='http://dappertest.pmel.noaa.gov/dapper/ ... ace_gauss/';
url1='http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.r ... ace_gauss/'
(I know that to try one of these i have to remove the "%" symbol)
(the last one it's the only one that at least show me something when i surf to it in a browser)

When i use de make_NCEP command in matlab gives me this response...

Add the paths of the different toolboxes
Arch : i686 - Matlab version : 14
Use of mex60 and loaddap in 32 bits.

>> make_NCEP

Add the paths of the different toolboxes
Arch : i686 - Matlab version : 14
Use of mex60 and loaddap in 32 bits.
Warning: "/usr/local/matlab/toolbox/symbolic:" not found in path.

In rmpath at 59
In start at 83
In ../Aforc_NCEP/make_NCEP.m at 40

obc = 1 1 1 1
Download NCEP data with OPENDAP

url1 =

http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.r ... ace_gauss/

Get NCEP data from 2007 to 2007
Minimum Longitude: -105
Maximum Longitude: -69
Minimum Latitude: -35
Maximum Latitude: 5.4885

Making output data directory ../Run/DATA/NCEP_CMC/
mkdir: no se puede crear el directorio «../Run/DATA/NCEP_CMC/»: El fichero
ya existe
Process the first dataset:
http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.r ... ace_gauss/
READDAP: did not work at 1 try: lets try again.
READDAP: did not work at 1 try: lets try again.
READDAP: did not work at 2 try: lets try again.
READDAP: did not work at 2 try: lets try again.
READDAP: did not work at 3 try: lets try again.
READDAP: did not work at 3 try: lets try again.
READDAP: did not work at 4 try: lets try again.

and so on.....

this happens with each one of the url's given...

i hope you know what i'm doing wrong...
thank you very much in advance...
Last edited by rpacheco on Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Unread post by kate »

You should be warned that most of us who answer questions here are using the Rutgers fork of ROMS and have no idea what you are talking about. :shock: Feel free to contact the Brest group and get them to come here or answer your questions on the side. If the latter, feel free to report back here.

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