advection scheme for MOMENTUM equations

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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advection scheme for MOMENTUM equations

#1 Unread post by Barbara »

Hi all,

In roms2.2 the default advection for momentum equation is third-order upstream bias, but now the default horizontal and vertical advection is 4th-order centered.

The third-order upstream bias is no longer used in ROMS? Why?

Can we define UV_U3HADVECTION in /ROMS/Include/*.h?



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#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

the default horiz advection is still the 3rd order scheme. You need to look carefully in rhs3d.F.
cd ROMS/Nonlinear
grep -nir '\#' rhs3d.F
and this will give you a list of the cpp options.

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#3 Unread post by Barbara »

Thanks a lot! :D I find it.

Then I think the following parts in the cppdefs.h in ~/ROMS/Include/ should be modified, so that the users won't get confused.

Code: Select all

** The following is short description of all available CPP options.          **
**                                                                           **
** OPTIONS associated with momentum equations:                               **
**                                                                           **
**   The default horizontal and vertical advection is 4th-order centered.    **
**   Use the splines vertical advection option is shallow, high vertical     **
**   resolution applications.                                                **
**                                                                           **
** UV_ADV              use to turn ON or OFF advection terms                 **
** UV_COR              use to turn ON or OFF Coriolis term                   **
** UV_C2ADVECTION      use to turn ON or OFF 2nd-order centered advection    **
** UV_C4ADVECTION      use to turn ON or OFF 4th-order centered advection    **
** UV_SADVECTION       use to turn ON or OFF splines vertical advection      **

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