Postdoc position at PNNL - Coastal and Regional Ocean Modeler

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Postdoc position at PNNL - Coastal and Regional Ocean Modeler

#1 Post by hetland »

The Atmospheric, Climate, and Earth Systems Division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) seeks a postdoctoral research associate to work on nesting the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) within the ocean component (MPAS-O) of a global climate model (E3SM). The successful candidate will develop and assess regional nested models, develop methods for nesting across scales, and quantify the impacts of various unresolved processes in global ocean models. The postdoc will work closely with a multi-institutional team.

The job ad is posted here:

The PNNL site can be somewhat confusing, so please reach out to me if you have any questions:

Some additional information:

Project goals for the Study for Exascale Advances in a High-resolution Ocean using ROMS Coupled to E3SM (SEAHORÇE) SciDAC5 project will:
- Focus on improved representations of small-scale coastal and open-ocean processes — such as river plumes, coastal fronts, and meso- and submesoscale eddy processes — in the context of global ESM,
- Design a scientific and technical framework for two-way coupling between ROMS and MPAS-O for optional, flexible, efficient, and robust dynamical up- and downscaling, and
- Create ROMS-X, a GPU-enabled port of ROMS that will exploit the latest DOE exascale HPC architectures.

The successful candidate would work primarily in the first and second topics, but would assist in the third.

Project website:

The project is funded through DOE's Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC, program, that aims to link computational and domain scientists to solve difficult and novel problems.

Remote work will be accommodated if possible (this depends partially on visa status).

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