Dear Colleague,
We are organizing a special session (094) on "Coastal Ocean Modeling and Prediction" at the upcoming 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Orlando, Florida. ... search.asp
Our session description is attached below. We cordially invite you to submit an abstract (due on October 2nd) to this session and hope to see many of you there.
094. Coastal Ocean Modeling and Prediction
Our capability to simulate and predict coastal ocean states has improved dramatically in recent years due to emerging ocean observing systems, increases in computing power, and advances in model numerics, data assimilation techniques, and the parameterization of sub-grid scale processes. This session will feature hindcast, nowcast, and forecast simulations of coastal regions from estuaries to the shelf break and adjacent deep ocean. Contributions related to the development of regional circulation models, coupled ocean-atmosphere models, biological/biogeochemical models, model validation and skill assessment, and data assimilation techniques are welcome.
Ruoying He, North Carolina State University
John Wilkin, Rutgers University
Katja Fennel, Dalhousie University