Installation problem during “Synchronizing Git and SVN revision information”

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Installation problem during “Synchronizing Git and SVN revision information”

#1 Unread post by SophieT »


I have started with ROMS recently but have run into an issue during installation via git in the step “Synchronizing Git and SVN revision information” ( ... nformation). When following the explanation on that ROMS wiki page, the Git commit hash and the corresponding SVN revision properties do not appear in the ROMS source files after the command
$ git checkout HEAD -- “$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
even though the command seems to run properly (it takes a few minutes and then finishes without terminal output).

The resulting header of ROMS/Modules/mod_ncparam.F contains no commit hashes:
!git $Id: mod_ncparam.F 1198 2023-09-01 19:00:59Z arango $
!svn $Id: mod_ncparam.F 1198 2023-09-01 19:00:59Z arango $
Instead of the expected e.g.:
!git $Id: b42658ab652647fca27d50af4afa15c3401fe544 $
!svn $Id: mod_ncparam.F 968 2019-06-17 16:02:48Z arango $

Possibly the issue has to do with that the previous commands
$ git config ".git_filters/id.smudge %f"
$ git config ".git_filters/id.clean %f"
did not change the ~/.gitconfig file (I am not sure if they should change the .gitconfig?). So I also tried to configure the filters manually by adding
[filter "id"]
clean = .git_filters/id.clean %f
smudge = .git_filters/id.smudge %f
To ~/.gitconfig and again applying the smudge filter, but that made no difference.

Does anyone know what could be the solution to this issue?

I am working on a HPC cluster with OS “Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)”. I access it via ssh from OS X 13.5.2.

Thank you in advance for any help,
Kind regards,

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Re: Installation problem during “Synchronizing Git and SVN revision information”

#2 Unread post by arango »

Nowadays, we distribute ROMS in :arrow: Please follow the instructions on

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