Using rain as LwSrc

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Using rain as LwSrc

#1 Unread post by jcwarner »

We are using ROMS to simulate rainfall and urban flooding during hurricanes. Currently the 'rain' input from the surface forcing is used for several physics such as a BC for salinity. This will allow the water to get fresher. But the volume of that rain is not accounted for. The LwSrc point source allows for the inflow to be incorporated into the model Volume, but it would be cumbersome to have Lm x Mm point sources.
So can we modify the code, maybe something like this in Omega:

IF (LwSrc(ng)) THEN

#ifdef RAIN_FLUX (or some other name)
DO ii=Istr,Iend
DO jj=Jstr,Jend
DO is=1,Nsrc(ng)
IF (INT(SOURCES(ng)%Dsrc(is)).eq.2) THEN


#ifdef RAIN_FLUX (or some other name)
& FORCES(ng)%rain(ii,jj)/N(ng) !not sure the units here, *om_r*on_r?
& SOURCES(ng)%Qsrc(is,k)

this might be a simple way to use rain as a source over the whole grid.

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