The ROMS metadata design is very rich and extensive. See varinfo.dat for a list of all the variables names, units, attributes, associated time variables, and scale factors. This is an user friendly file and variable parameters can be changed very easily. As a matter of fact, some users like to change the long-name attribute to a language other than English to facilitate automatic labeling during plotting. However, for portability I recommend to use the provided field variable name.
Use the following link to download a tar file containing several CDL scripts to construct ROMS input NetCDF files:
Currently, you can find the following CDL scripts:
Code: Select all
grd_spherical.cdl Spherical grid NetCDF file
ini_hydro.cdl Initial conditions NetCDF file (hydrodynamics)
ini_fasham.cdl Initial conditions NetCDF file (hydrodynamics and biology)
ini_ecosim.cdl Initial conditions NetCDF file (hydrodynamics and bio-optics)
ini_sed.cdl Initial conditions NetCDF file (hydrodynamics and sediment)
clm_ts.cdl Temperature-Salinity climatology NetCDF file
frc_uvstress.cdl Forcing NetCDF file (surface momentum stresses)
frc_fluxclm.cdl Forcing NetCDF file (climatological heat fluxes variables)
frc_bulk.cdl Forcing NetCDF file (atmospheric variable for bulk fluxes)
frc_rivers.cdl Forcing NetCDF file (River point/sources)
frc_tides.cdl Forcing NetCDF file (tidal elevation and currents)
bry_limit.cdl Boundary NetCDF file (various time dimensions)
bry_unlimit.cdl Boundary NetCDF file (unlimited time dimensions)
ncgen -b my_file.cdl
On the other hand, a CDL script can be created from a NetCDF file by just typing:
ncdump -h > my_file.cdl
Then, you can use any program to write your data into the created NetCDF file. I usually use the MeXCDF interface of Matlab to write the processed data with just a single command line.
Notice that ROMS now allows for multiple forcing NetCDF files. See ROMS input script.
Good luck,