different salt and temp result between turn on and turn off T_PASSIVE

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different salt and temp result between turn on and turn off T_PASSIVE

#1 Unread post by zhiguoMEI »

:D Hi everyone! I just find a problem if turn on the T_PASSIVE CPP option.
I have a Western Pacific model based on ROMS (version 3.9) with a resolution of ~5.5km. I chose 4-th order centered advection for tracers and moment.
The model had run for 5 years successfully. I want to add passive tracers at the beginning of the 6th year.
I set the boundary and initial value of dye_01 as 0 and turn on T_PASSIVE. I chose HSIMT advection for the passive tracer.
After one month simulated I got undulatory surface salt and temp(below are the surface salinity), which disappeared with the T_PASSIVE option turned off.
Last edited by zhiguoMEI on Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Undulatory salt and temp if defiene T_PASSIVE

#2 Unread post by zhiguoMEI »

After one month simulated the results are obviously different between Passive tracer and without passive tracer.
Surface salinity appears to ripple near the boundary and in the middle of the model region when the T_PASSIVE switch is turned on and disappeared after the switch is turned off.
Surface salinity along latitudinal lines also appears wavy especially near boundary areas.
Temp is similar to salinity so I only upload salt pictures.
surface salinity along latitude for 147°E-150°E
surface salinity along latitude for 147°E-150°E
zoom in middle area of model
zoom in middle area of model
zomm in  Northern east conner
zomm in Northern east conner
surface salinity at Northern east conner with T_PASSIVE tur on and turn off
surface salinity at Northern east conner with T_PASSIVE tur on and turn off
Last edited by zhiguoMEI on Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Undulatory salt and temp if defiene T_PASSIVE

#3 Unread post by zhiguoMEI »

Here is the log file with passive tracer turned on(log-1999_dye.log) and turned off(log-1999.log)
The results left me wondering if the passive tracer switch would affect the temperature and salinity calculations, and aren't they calculated separately?
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