I am new to ROMS and to modelling, I have a supervisor who is away, and I have some problems...
I am trying to run ROMS using a forcing.nc file with wind speeds from NCEP from 1 Oct to 31 Dec 2001. It compiles ok, but when I run gives the following: GET_2DFLD error while reading variable Uwind at TIME index = 1.
My initialisation file has DSTART at 274.0d0 (1 Oct) and TIME_REF 20010101.0d0.
The forcing.nc file has no anomalous values, so far as I can see. It has 368 time values (92 days with 4 records per day). The first time value is 0.0, and thereafter it is 0.25, 0.5, etc to 91.75
The ini.nc file has ocean_time set to 0.
This configuration was working before I introduced BULK_FLUXES into cppdefs.h, so I don't understand why there is a problem now?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Evan Mason
Timing and time stamps
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