
Facts, news, and guidance about ROMS software

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#1 Unread post by Ruggerio »

I am trying to start a new model run from the end of a previous run but seem to be having some issues and need clarification as to how to proceed with this or where to look to figure out what may be the problem. Upon completing the first run of approximately 22000 time steps I check the restart file generated and it seem to produce good plots. I have thought to copy the restart file into a file called to use it as my initial conditions for the next run (therefore extending the length of my previous run). The model seems to continue on from the 22000th timestep until the last step in the restart run but the values I get are no good. Are there any suggestions?

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#2 Unread post by kate »

When ROMS starts up from a restart file, it will read in the initial conditions from the restart file and report on what it's getting. Are you reading the output text file from ROMS very carefully? Is it making sense, compared to the initial run? If not, time to dig deeper.

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