as part of my ROMS learning procedure, I set-up a very simple realistic application in the Mediterranean, with atmospheric forcing, rivers, boundaries and a simple square grid with a refined two-way nesting.
It ran flawlessly and after some tweaking of parameters (basically hor.diffusion and lateral bry cond.types), reproduced expected patterns, so I decided to move-on to the next step.
I decided to construct a more complex-shaped grid using the same tools-procedure as before (pyroms-pygridgen for the grid generation and matlab-coarse2fine for the refinement).
But when I used the coarse2fine function to refine the grid, it gave me the following error:
Code: Select all
Interpolating from coarse to fine ...
Warning: Duplicate data points have been detected and removed - corresponding values have been averaged.
> In coarse2fine (line 286)
In coarse2fine (line 289)
In coarse2fine (line 289)
Error using TriScatteredInterp/subsref
The interpolant is in an invalid state.
The number of data point locations should equal the number of data point values.
Error in coarse2fine (line 289)
RSr.V = C.lat_rho(:); F.lat_rho = RSr(F.x_rho, F.y_rho);
289 RSr.V = C.lat_rho(:); F.lat_rho = RSr(F.x_rho, F.y_rho);
I'm guessing that the problem has to do with that value allocation in the grid, but I cannot test whether this is the case, as pyroms won't construct the grid if I don't fill the nan values.
Any hint-help would be much appreciated.