2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop, Rovinj, Croatia - Final Notice

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2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop, Rovinj, Croatia - Final Notice

#1 Unread post by arango »

2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop
Island Hotel Istra, Rovinj, Croatia, May 26 - 29, 2014

Please check the following link for the workshop agenda:


Notice that it includes oral talks, lectures, and poster sessions. The oral presentations are 30 minutes including time for questions and answers. The lectures on Thursday are 60 minutes. Lunch breaks on Monday and Wednesday will be 3 hours long to allow you to visit some of the wonderful tourist attractions around Rovinj. On Tuesday the reception will include lunch at Viking restaurant in Lim Channel. A PDF version of the program with maps to help you get to and from the workshop, tourist attractions and maps, the agenda, and all the talk and poster abstracts is available here:
(2.69 MiB) Downloaded 627 times
When you arrive at the workshop you will be provided with a paper copy of the program but we make the PDF available ahead of time to help you get to the workshop and visit some tourist attractions if you arrive in Rovinj before the workshop. Maps and tourist information can be found in the first six pages of the program.

The registration fee to this year’s workshop is 70 EUR (530 HRK), payable in cash. The fee will cover venue rentals, coffee breaks, ROMS T-shirt, and the cruise reception including lunch. If you will be unable to attend the workshop please email arango@marine.rutgers.edu as soon as possible.

Although not obligatory, we encourage you to use PowerPoint or similar electronic presentation media. Please bring your presentation on a memory stick or CD. Each presentation will be loaded into a single Mac and Windows based laptop. We ask you to provide your talks during registration or during the breaks before your session. Please bring an electronic copy of your poster to the workshop so it can be included in our CD archive. We also plan to load these presentations and posters on the ROMS/TOMS website for future reference.

There is a lot of information on the main workshop page:


There will be a reception cruise on Tuesday, May 27th, 2014. The boat will Leave from Rovinj harbor. We have scheduled an hour between the end of the day’s presentations and the boat’s departure to allow ample time for attendees to get from the Island Hotel Istra to the harbor. The boat will leave at 13:30. Average afternoon temperatures in late May are 20 - 26°C (68 - 79°F) so be sure to wear appropriate attire. We will take a 1 hour 30 minute cruise from Rovinj harbor to Viking restaurant near the end of Lim Channel. There will be light refreshments on the boat with lunch at the Viking restaurant. The Viking Restaurant if famous for its seafood but if you do not wish to eat seafood please email robertson@marine.rutgers.edu so we can ask the restaurant to prepare accordingly. If you are vegetarian or vegan please note that as well. We need a final count by Wednesday, May 21, 2014.

After lunch we will re-board the boat back to Rovinj Harbor. The Lim Channel is a 10 km long estuary that has been declared “a special maritime reserve” and “an area of outstanding natural beauty” and is a testimony to the climatic changes and geological evolution of Istria.

We have prepared a form for attendees to submit their :arrow: travel information to facilitate car/van pooling. After you enter your information there will be a link to view the current listing of attendees who have responded. You can reach this page directly :arrow: here. Access to both pages is limited to workshop attendees.


Please limit your poster to size A0 (841 x 1189 mm, 33.1 x 46.8 in). We will provide materials to hang your poster.

Looking forward to seeing you in Rovinj,

Organizing Committee,

Dr. Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. John L. Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. Andrew M. Moore,University California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Dr. Ivica Janekovic, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia

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