question about ocean_time and nudging time scale

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question about ocean_time and nudging time scale

#1 Unread post by jkoceans11 »

Hi everyone.

To resolved EAST OBC problem, I am using climatology file, and switch on TCLIMATOLOGY and TCLM_NUDGING in CPP option.

ocean_time had time as from 15 day to 345 day, ocean_time interval is 30 day in climatology file.

but effect of climatology apply immediately first step of model result. I think that nudging time scale had too short time scale.

nudging time scale is 0.01.

What is relation between ocean_time in climatology file and nudging time scale in .in file?

I want any answer.


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Re: question about ocean_time and nudging time scale

#2 Unread post by kate »

The nudging timescale in the file is in units of days. A timescale of 0.01 is indeed quite strong nudging. The nudging timescale has nothing to do with the actual times in the climatology file. The field that is nudged to is a linear interpolation between a time before the current ocean_time and a time after it.

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