
Discussion about analysis, visualization, and collaboration tools and techniques

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#1 Unread post by chiayan »

Dear all,
I want to use the "ROMS/TOMS Plotting Package" for the Visualization of ROMS. Following the instructions from Wiki ROMS, a NCAR Computer Graphics Metafile (NCGM) named gmeta were successfully produced and could be visualized by the idt viewer. But when I tried to use the Raster Scripts to convert the gmeta file into raster images, it failed. The command I used is simply "ncgm2www" in the same directory of gmeta file and also the path of the two shell scripts, ncgm2www and ncgm2gif, were set in my environmental variable($PATH). The error message is "set: Variable name must begin with a letter". By browsing ncgm2www and ncgm2gif scripts, I couldn't found out where such an error message came from. Does anyone using ncgm2www got the same problems? Please give me some advices to solve that, thank you!

Chiayan Cheng

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Re: ncgm2www

#2 Unread post by kate »

You need to find out which command being called by that script is producing that error. Try adding a '-x' and/or '-v' to the first line of the script so that it's more verbose.

It looks like you need to provide either zero or three arguments - it doesn't work for me with just the filename as argument. The error I get with zero arguments is "imconv: Command not found.". It looks like that's coming from ncgm2gif, when these days I'd rather end up with a png image (unless it's for an animation). Also, we're using ImageMagick instead of Image Tools.

Moral of the story: hack at these scripts to do what you want or start from scratch.

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Re: ncgm2www

#3 Unread post by chiayan »

kate, thanks for your suggestions! I apologized for my carelessness and being unfamiliar with shell script language. The error message comes from "ncgm2www". A redundant space appeared after the "=" symbol in line 31
(set NCGM2GIF= ${HOME}/.....)of ncgm2www and thus resulted in the error. Now, it works fine.

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