Ascending/descending latitude dimension in forcing fields

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Ascending/descending latitude dimension in forcing fields

#1 Post by julian.kuhlmann »


a suggestion to the subroutine "hindices" that would probably be easy to write and extremely helpful in certain cases: There should be an error message for when the condition

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((Ygrd(1,j  ).le.Ypos(mp,np)).and.(Ygrd(1,j+1).gt.Ypos(mp,np)))
(and vice versa for X) is never satisfied. More specifically, in my case, the latitude dimension of my forcing fields went from 90 to -90, but ROMS expected it to be from -90 to 90, thus the above condition was never fulfilled (there is, for example, no number smaller than 70 but at the same time larger than 71) and the forcing fields were never read. I spent hours trying to locate this error -- a specific error message might prevent others from doing so.

Otherwise, thanks for all the commenting in the code, this was really helpful!


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