small bug in lmd_test

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small bug in lmd_test

#1 Unread post by cae »

In LMD_TEST, I believe the wind stress should follow Equation 36 in the Large et al (1994) paper.

In ana_smflux.h, the relevant line for sustr currently reads:

Code: Select all

      IF (time(ng).le.57600.0_r8) THEN
        windamp=-0.6_r8*SIN(pi*time(ng)/57600.0_r8)*                    &
     &                  SIN(2.0_r8*pi/57600.0_r8)/rho0
      END IF
I think should read:

Code: Select all

      IF (time(ng).le.57600.0_r8) THEN
        windamp=-0.6_r8*SIN(pi*time(ng)/57600.0_r8)*                    &
     &                  SIN(2.0_r8*pi*time(ng)/57600.0_r8)/rho0
      END IF
in which time(ng) has been added to the second SIN function. The same change should apply also to the svstr term.

This change does not influence the boundary layer depth very much, but it does alter mixed layer velocities to be more similar to those shown in Figure 6 of the Large et al. paper.

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Re: small bug in lmd_test

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, great catch :!: I fixed ana_smflux.h with the correct expression for wind stress. Many thanks for reporting this bug.

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