
Discussion of how to use ROMS on different regional and basin scale applications.

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#1 Post by angelolemos »

Hi People,

I'm following strictly the steps of the MATLAB TOOLBOX TO ROMS.
I created my grid without problem:

grid: coast-grid.nc
coast: east_brazilian_coast.mat
indices: ijcoast.mat
lon: 4648x1
lat: 4648x1
Icst: 4648x1
Jcst: 4648x1

Apparently the netcdf package worked very well.
To do this grid, I udes the code MAIN_grid.m.

So, the next step is put the forcing files.
I'm using the file MAIN_ncfiles.m to do that.
When I typed the command rnc_SetClimaConst(grd,clmfile), it seems that the netcdf stopped working.
I put the Set Path correctly in Matlab (looking to my netcdf package - netcdf, mexnc, snctools), similarly when I did the gridfile.

The following error appeared:

>> rnc_SetClimaConst(grd,clmfile);
??? Error using ==> netcdflib
Unable to open netCDF file, library error message "NetCDF: Unknown file format"

Error in ==> open at 54
[varargout{:}] = netcdflib ( 'open', filename, mode );

Error in ==> mexnc_tmw>handle_open at 1029
ncid = netcdf.open(filename,mode);

Error in ==> mexnc_tmw at 116
[varargout{:}] = handler ( varargin{:} );

Error in ==> mexnc at 560
[varargout{:}] = backend(varargin{:});

Error in ==> mexcdf53 at 9
[varargout{:}] = feval('mexnc', varargin{:});

Error in ==> ncmex at 139
[varargout{:}] = feval(fcn, varargin{:});

Error in ==> netcdf.open at 20
[theNCid, status] = ncmex('open', name(self), thePermission);

Error in ==> netcdf.netcdf at 431
result = open(result, thePermission);

Error in ==> rnc_SetClimaConst at 9

Anyone can help me?!

Thanks a lot!

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