Figure out Vertical Section

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Figure out Vertical Section

#1 Unread post by fdaryabor »

Dear all
I use "Roms_Agrif" for Peninsular of Malaysia and sunda shelf ((99E 115E),(5S 10N)), horizontal resolution (1/6 deg), Number of layer 25, (theta_S=5, theta_b=0.4, hc=40),(hmin=50m, hmax=1000) and level of reference for geostrophy calculation is 100m. I face to problem to figure out vertical section (Temperature and Salinity) in may idea they aren't reasonable. I check output and input, actually input data related to lateral boundary "" for vertical section of temperature should be wrong, I don't know confused or maybe problem should be related to setting of depth and sigma coordinate and or dataset (WOA2005 Dataset).
Could you please guide me or give me command about them.

Best Regards

Center for Tropical and Climate Change System
Faculty of Science and Technology
National University of Malaysia (UKM)
Bangi 43600
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Re: Figure out Vertical Section

#2 Unread post by kate »

I'm not quite sure what you are expecting. Do you think the input is OK? Is that at a boundary or the interior? What vertical mixing scheme are you using and what atmospheric forcing? What you show is so very shallow that it's going to be sensitive to both mixing and forcing. Do you get the right seasonal cycle for the domain?

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Re: Figure out Vertical Section

#3 Unread post by fdaryabor »

Hi kate
Thanks for your response, actually I run model climatology and got real results from model (SST, Currents, SSH), but I face to problem for figure out vertical section of temperature in the interior,in first survey I check vertical mixing scheme,I using Large, W.G., J.C. McWilliams, and S.C. Doney, 1994 scream.

/* Vertical Mixing */
# undef BVF_MIXING
# define LMD_MIXING
# ifdef LMD_MIXING
# define LMD_SKPP
# define LMD_BKPP
# define LMD_RIMIX
# define LMD_CONVEC
# undef LMD_DDMIX
# endif

and for lateral mixing I used both (Smagorinsky and Laplasian Scheme)

/* Lateral Mixing */
# define UV_VIS2
# define MIX_GP_UV
# define TS_DIF2
# define MIX_GP_TS
# if defined TCLIMATOLOGY & !defined AGRIF
# endif

but when I plot vertical section for temperature from "" it was wrong. In second survey I check input file for lateral boundary (temp from ""). I plot vertical section from that, but I regards looks is wrong.
for lateral boundary I using monthly and annual temperature and salinity from WOA2005 (seasonal cycle is 365 day )for lateral boundary and using monthly u and v wind stress and fluxes from COADS (seasonal cycle is 365 day) for forcing files and also using air-density, u10, precipitation, evaporation and radiation. I'm sure problem is related to input file but can't find really problem.
If you have suggestion thanks so much.
Best regards

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Re: Figure out Vertical Section

#4 Unread post by kate »

I'm afraid I still don't understand what it is you are trying to say. Also, saying something is "wrong" is not descriptive enough for us to help you. Be specific.

Just FYI:

Code: Select all

# if defined TCLIMATOLOGY & !defined AGRIF
This should probably have && instead of &. Is AGRIF defined? Check to see what is actually defined according to ROMS - does it match what you thought you asked for?

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Re: Figure out Vertical Section

#5 Unread post by fdaryabor »

Hi kate
Thanks for your response, what I want to say is the model's output for SST, Currents and SSH, are acceptable but the problem is with the vertical section of temperature and salinity in interior layers which has to be horizontal but what I got was vertical that's not right. since the model output for SST, Current and SSH are right then I think problem should be because of vertical mixing or lateral boundary which I am not sure. I reset configuration of the model and parametrization for mixing as below.

/* Vertical Mixing */
# undef BVF_MIXING
# define LMD_MIXING
# ifdef LMD_MIXING
# define LMD_SKPP
# define LMD_BKPP
# define LMD_RIMIX
# define LMD_CONVEC
# undef LMD_DDMIX
# endif

/* Lateral Mixing */
# define UV_VIS2
# define MIX_GP_UV
# define TS_DIF2
# define MIX_GP_TS
# if defined TCLIMATOLOGY & !defined AGRIF
# endif

I checked output of model again but the problem was still there(vertical profile of temperature and salinity). what I thing is it should be because of initial and lateral boundary condition('') because when I plot the temperature profile of this file it shows variations in vertical section that must be horizontally. Data I am using for initial condition and lateral boundary are monthly and annual temperature and salinity(WOA2005).I really confused what to do. what do suggest me to solve this problem.

I really appreciate of your attention.


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Re: Figure out Vertical Section

#6 Unread post by fdaryabor »

Hi kate
I checked again the model input (the looks is attached) in my idea should be right, but problem is still for figure out temp and salinity profile from the model output (the looks is attached. I will send you the all configurations for climatology run. Really appreciate for your guide.
Best Regards
configuration for preprocessing and processing the climatology run.
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Temperature vertical section from the model output (
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Temperature vertical section from the initial and lateral boundary condition file ([input file]
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