How to change the initial and forcing conditions?

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How to change the initial and forcing conditions?

#1 Unread post by duckweed »

i am a beginner of ROMS. i run the upwelling case very success. And i don't konw how to change the initial and forcing conditions.i have change some conditions such as ana_smflux and ana_grid. However i want to use my temperature ,salinity and wind data to run the upwelling case.Hoe to do.
Thanks !

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Re: How to change the initial and forcing conditions?

#2 Unread post by kate »

Do you have a netcdf file with the winds, etc., dimensioned the same as the upwelling grid? If so, turn off the ANA_SMFLUX, ANA_STFLUX options and define BULK_FLUXES so that ROMS will compute the fluxes from winds, air temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc. If you do that, ROMS will look for all those fields in your forcing files. The forcing files need to be listed in FRCNAME. For instance I have used:

Code: Select all

    NFFILES == 10                          ! number of forcing files

    FRCNAME == /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/   \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/  \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/   \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/  \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/   \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/  \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/  \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/   \
               /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/  \

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